Switchfoot — The Legend of Chin

8/10 I discovered Switchfoot’s debut, The Legend of Chin, in my radio station CD binder–yes, back in 2002, we played music straight from CD’s to the airwaves. While I had enjoyed Switchfoot’s third album, Learning to Breathe, which was the only of their albums I’d actually heard, I had a strange hangup about debut albums.Continue reading “Switchfoot — The Legend of Chin”

A Trip to Little Mountain Before the Apocalypse — A 3/12/20 Pre-Lockdown Travelogue

I’ve ruined my knee. It turns out, when you’ve turned the tendons in your leg into tendon’ts, you probably shouldn’t then immediately run a marathon on said tendont’s. Yes, tendon’ts. There’s more where that came from.I ran a marathon in January two days after severely injuring my knee, and running 26.2 miles on my kneeContinue reading “A Trip to Little Mountain Before the Apocalypse — A 3/12/20 Pre-Lockdown Travelogue”

A Link to the Past Review!

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was my favorite video game from 1995-1999. Since then, it’s been my second favorite behind Chrono Trigger, and to this day, nothing has overtaken those two. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of my first encounter with A Link to the Past, I played through the gameContinue reading “A Link to the Past Review!”

New Surviving the Game Filmshake Episode is John C. McGinley Approved!

Thank you, John C. McG!!! These are stressful and uncertain times. While some toilet paper-hoarders are showing off the worst of humanity, many are showing great kindness and consideration for others. Most importantly, it does not appear that any humans have banded together to hunt another human, which, coincidentally, is the plot of the 1994Continue reading “New Surviving the Game Filmshake Episode is John C. McGinley Approved!”

Surviving the Game (Film Review)

1994 New Line Cinema Directed by: Ernest R Dickerson; Written by: Fred C. Caruso Starring: Ice-T, Rutger Hauer, Charles S. Dutton, John C. McGinley, William McNamara, Gary Busey, and F. Murray Abraham MPAA Rating: R; Running Time: 96 Minutes The Nicsperiment Score: 6/10 Jack Mason’s having a rough time. Not only is he living inContinue reading “Surviving the Game (Film Review)”

Vinyl Pickups 3/11/20, Featuring Johnny Greenwood, System of a Down, and More…

Immediately after I moved back to Baton Rouge, I had to cool it a bit on vinyl purchases. The Pop Shop, one of the only record stores left in town, had apparently shutdown, and on top of that, my own record player situation was in flux. I still need to get a new player withContinue reading “Vinyl Pickups 3/11/20, Featuring Johnny Greenwood, System of a Down, and More…”

The Outsider (Limited Series)

The Outsider2020 HBOLimited SeriesThe Nicsperiment Score: 8/10 At this point, coming up with a comprehensive list of Stephen King adaptations would be exhausting. The prolific horror writer has produced nearly 100 complete works, and even many of the worst ones have been adapted for film or television. There wait between original work and adaptation getsContinue reading “The Outsider (Limited Series)”

It’s Star Wars Time

Now THIS is podracing Filmshake hasn’t had a guest…until now.This week, we’ve got my good friend, and old college buddy, Germany-based Jonathan Robker, along to talk Star Wars. A whole lot of Star Wars. For two hours (edited down from a LONGER! conversation), Jonathan and I talk across the sea about our personal introductions toContinue reading “It’s Star Wars Time”

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reviewed

I’ve been wanting to play The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt since it was released…five years ago. Being a diehard Nintendo fan, I feared I’d never get the chance.But I forgot one thing:The Switch is magic!Somehow, the Nintendo Switch has given me the chance to play games I never dreamed of: Skyrim, the 2016 Doom, and now,Continue reading “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reviewed”

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

I want to love you! My cousin/best friend loves the Fire Emblem series and gave me Radiant Dawn for Christmas. I can’t speak for the series as a whole, or the newest entry on the Switch…but Radiant Dawn…not really my cup of video game. Here’s my non-turn-based review. https://thewiiureviewsblogspot.blogspot.com/2020/02/fire-emblem-radiant-dawn.html

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