Slipknot – Iowa

7/10 If Slipknot’s first album is angry, their second is livid. Iowa is 66 minutes of seething rage. The band promised fans that their sophomore effort would be a darker, heavier, more technical affair than their freshman output, and boy is it ever. In a way, the band, feuding with one another, and struggling mightilyContinue reading “Slipknot – Iowa”

Gambino’s Double Cream-Cheese Kingcake Is an Abomination Against God

I was out and about for lunch today, and realized I was really close to Gambino’s Bakery. Then I thought, It’s almost been a full day since I bought a king cake. I should buy a king cake.I wanted a cream cheese, but turns out they only had “Double Cream Cheese,” and for just sixContinue reading “Gambino’s Double Cream-Cheese Kingcake Is an Abomination Against God”

Slick Shoes — Burn Out

8/10 Remember the fresh-faced Slick Shoes of 1997? The So-Cal punk band toured relentlessly for a year, got burned out, and immediately recorded an album about their feelings. In contrast to Rusty, Slick Shoes’ fast and fun 1997 debut, 1998’s Burn Out features more mid-tempo tracks, and a decidedly bleaker, angrier vibe.  Just look at theContinue reading “Slick Shoes — Burn Out”

Slipknot — Slipknot

8/10 Slipknot’s self-titled debut album is all about aggression. Call it “nu-metal,” call it whatever you want, but at its core, this is heavy, angry, percussion-led rock music, with mostly screamed vocals. The drummer is joined by a couple of quite active percussionists, and the three hammer out some unique rhythms in perfect, cacophonous harmony.Continue reading “Slipknot — Slipknot”

Slick Shoes — Rusty

8/10 “I got a great idea you guys, Slick Shoes!” “Slick Shoes, are you crazy?!“With that quote straight from The Goonies begins Slick Shoes’ extremely enjoyable punk rock debut, Rusty. The band is tight, the drums, bass, and guitar are so fast they’re unbelievable. The energetic vocals, sung by a then 14-year-old Ryan Kepke, areContinue reading “Slick Shoes — Rusty”

Slick Shoes vs. Slipknot!

Slick Shoes and Slipknot have both released five full-length albums. The former band I listen to when I want to have a good time. The latter I listen to when I’m feeling ugly. Slick Shoes released all five of their albums between 1997-2003. Slipknot from 1999-2014. Both bands are still together, though Slick Shoes tookContinue reading “Slick Shoes vs. Slipknot!”

Now I’m Reviewing Nintendo DS Games, Too. What Is Wrong WIth Me?

Ever wish, in addition to everything else, I’d also review decade-plus-old Nintendo DS games?No? You wish I’d just take a long walk on a short pier over a volcano?Okay. That’s cool.Here’s a review of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS.

Travelogue: Chicot State Park and the Great King Cake Assault of 2019

What am I doing with my life? I’m on a collision course with 40, and I’m getting so close, I can smell his breath. It’s a mysterious scent, of future things I know not what. Is that hair-loss? Obesity? A sudden stroke? A crushing realization that my life has been a complete failure and thatContinue reading “Travelogue: Chicot State Park and the Great King Cake Assault of 2019”

Skyharbor — Guiding Lights

9/10 It’s late autumn, 2014. I’ve been back in school for nearly two full years now, working on a second degree, taking a hard right from the English degree I got the first time, into Chemical Engineering. The first year and a half passed like a dream. I had quit my full time job, whichContinue reading “Skyharbor — Guiding Lights”

Glass (Film Review)

2019 Blinding Edge PicturesBlumhouse Productions Written and Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan Starring: James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Anya Taylor-Joy, Sarah Paulson, and Samuel L. Jackson MPAA Rating: PG-13; Running Time: 129 Minutes The Nicsperiment Score: 7/10 M. Night Shyamalan’s quiet, moody superhero origin film, Unbreakable, resonated with me deeply nearly nineteen years ago. I’ve carriedContinue reading “Glass (Film Review)”

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