Sigur Rós — Kveikur

7/10 Kveikur takes off like a freight train, all rattling percussion and humming guitar. And it just kind of stays there. I have the least to say of, Kveikur, Sigur Rós most previous album, released more than five years ago. Their previous album, Valtari, erred toward atmosphere, and become too unmoored. Who exactly in theContinue reading “Sigur Rós — Kveikur”

Sigur Rós — Valtari

8/10 The first half of Valtari may be the best thing Sigur Rós have ever done. It’s a thick river of emotion, wave after wave, an inescapable mass of feelings, happiness, sadness, rage, fear, joy, grief, death, rebirth, all in choral currents, lava flows of bass, drum thumps and wave-crashing cymbals, wiry strings, bursts of electricContinue reading “Sigur Rós — Valtari”

Sigur Rós — Inni

7/10 And my personal connection to, and in all honesty, Sigur Rós’ pop-culture relevance, starts to fade. I’d love to list some deep relationship I have to this live album. After all, I’ve seen Sigur Rós live, and it was awesome. However, live albums often prove redundant. There are exceptions. Live albums by jam bandsContinue reading “Sigur Rós — Inni”

Sigur Rós — Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

8/10 And here is the end of the mythos. The once mystically mysterious and alien Sigur Rós trade their bizarre coterie of ethereal sounds for acoustic guitars and hand drums. 2008’s Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust, which I will never have a hope in hell of pronouncing, announces the band in a package millennialsContinue reading “Sigur Rós — Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust”

Sigur Rós — Hvarf/Heim

8/10 Hvarf/Heim marks a turning point in Sigur Rós’ career. Their output for the previous ten years featured a gargantuan, yet mysterious, alien power. With 2005’s Takk…, the band proved they could be more accessible, though they still seemed to be beaming their music down from the heavens. Hvarf/Heim finally brings the band down to Earth,Continue reading “Sigur Rós — Hvarf/Heim”

There Is No Ball Like a Super Monkey Ball

Taking a break from all of the super-heavy Sigur Rós reviews, here’s a review for a game where you make a monkey in a ball roll around and get bananas. At The Nicsperiment, we’re all about diversity.

Sigur Rós — Sæglópur EP

6/10 Since my last review was so me-focused, I’ll get an actual review out of the way before I delve into myself. The Sæglópur EP leads off with it’s title track, an extended version of one of Sigur Rós’ 2005 masterwork Takk…‘s choicest cuts. The song builds on the sound of winding clocks and gearsContinue reading “Sigur Rós — Sæglópur EP”

Sigur Rós – Takk…

10/10 Ah, 2005. The most epic, eventful year of my life, and it’s all documented here, on The Nicsperiment. Sure, there were dark times, but those just made the journey all the more rewarding. I have to admit, I’ve had a hard time getting up for this review. I could just do a short blurb,Continue reading “Sigur Rós – Takk…”

My Apologies In Advance

I am currently working on what will be the longest review in the Every Album I Own Series, likely to publish Friday. It is the most self-indulgent thing I have ever written, full of links to 2005 Nicsperiment posts, and containing a 10:1 ratio of personal life musings to actual review content. When I noticedContinue reading “My Apologies In Advance”

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