Deadpool 2 (Film Review)

2018 Marvel Entertainment Directed by: David Leitch; Written by: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds; Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Julian Dennison, and Zazie Beetz; MPAA Rating: RNicsperiment Score: 7/10 The first Deadpool is forgettable fun, and Deadpool 2 follows suit. The first film is a self-aware, fourth-wall breaking, near parody of superhero films,Continue reading “Deadpool 2 (Film Review)”

It’s Sigur Rós Time

While they haven’t been as dominant in my ears lately, I can think of few bands who’ve had such a huge impact on my psyche during a specific series of time (’02-’07) as Sigur Rós.If you enjoy those Nicsperiment music reviews where I very concisely sum up an album’s pros and cons(hey, I’ve done it before!),Continue reading “It’s Sigur Rós Time”

Celeste (Nintendo Switch Review)

I think it’s harder to make a perfect video game than it is to make a work of perfection in any other art form. That’s because video games are the amalgamation of all other art forms. Sure, movies have both audio and visual elements, but unlike video games, you only watch and hear them…you don’tContinue reading “Celeste (Nintendo Switch Review)”

The Shield: Music from the Streets (Soundtrack) — Various Artists

7/10 *This review is dedicated to the semi-colon. The semi-colon: it can’t fully digest something, but it can sure get started* I’ve been watching way too much television long before this current so-called “Golden Age of Television”–which is turning more and more into an epoch as it nears its 20th year–began. Good shows have beenContinue reading “The Shield: Music from the Streets (Soundtrack) — Various Artists”

*shels — Plains of the Purple Buffalo

10/10 I haven’t reviewed an album in more than a month…and I’ve been posting quite frequently in that time-frame. It appears that I am stalling. I knew before even re-listening to it for this review that I would be giving Plains of the Purple Buffalo a ten. I re-listened multiple times, now six years outContinue reading “*shels — Plains of the Purple Buffalo”

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