Sade — Soldier of Love

6/10 I think 2009/2010 is one of my least favorite periods in music. Last year there was some controversy over comments The Dirty Projector’s David Longstreth made about the current lame state of indie music, as opposed to 2009, when he was culturally relevant, his critical darling, Bitte Orca, receiving rave reviews. The thing is, BitteContinue reading “Sade — Soldier of Love”

Sade — Love Deluxe

7/10 This is going to get awkward: it’s time to talk about The Nicsperiment’s…awakening. Like…um…er…*shh*…cough…uh…(((of the sexual kind))).One day in 1993, I was puttering around with the TV on in the background. Good old TV. Along came a commercial for an upcoming movie. A voice, sirenic, unbelievably sensual, sang through the tube. Sade. “No OrdinaryContinue reading “Sade — Love Deluxe”

It’s Donkey Kong Country 2 Time!

Yes, I just went bananas, monkeying around with a review for the excellent Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest. No one can ape my ridiculous reviewing style, flinging words at your eyeballs with rude unpredictability. Fellow primates, I promise it is worth your time. Also, there’s a reference to both rabies and scabies, soContinue reading “It’s Donkey Kong Country 2 Time!”

Awesome Majora’s Mask Material

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is one of my favorite video games of all time, and arguably the Zelda series’ highest achievement. The game stars series protagonist, Link, as he undertakes a strange adventure in the land of Termina. Majora’s Mask was initially given the afterthought stigma, labelled as a quick cash grab byContinue reading “Awesome Majora’s Mask Material”

Happy Mardi Gras Week From the Nicsperiment!

Pouparts Cream Cheese Kingcake, the greatest thing a man can eat. Well, it is that special South Louisiana time of year where it is inexplicably 70 degrees, we have a bunch of strange parades where people throw beads and novelty items at you, and you eat your weight in cream, fruit, or cinnamon-filled pastries. Everybody hasContinue reading “Happy Mardi Gras Week From the Nicsperiment!”

Super Mario Odyssey!

I’ve reviewed Super Mario Odyssey in my typical rambling fashion, though this review feels a bit more of a ramble than usual. I think this is because I found myself surprisingly opinionated when it came to the Super Mario series. Surprising myself almost accounted for the large amount of rambling more than being opinionated. FairContinue reading “Super Mario Odyssey!”

Game of Thrones Marathonaganza! The Nicsperiment Reviews Seven Seasons of the Most Watched Show on Earth

I put off watching HBO’s critically acclaimed and massively watched landmark adaptation of George R. Martin’s Game of Thrones for six whole years. This act of pop-culture neglect began as a joke between my wife and I after an SNL skit gave the impression that the show was just a parade of boobs. She jokinglyContinue reading “Game of Thrones Marathonaganza! The Nicsperiment Reviews Seven Seasons of the Most Watched Show on Earth”

Rosetta — Quintessential Ephemera

7/10 Rosetta take a step forward in the right direction with 2015’s Quintessential Ephemera (I initially said step back…you have to go back to go forward?). They seem to have realized that their bread and butter isn’t darkness, even though they are quite adept at broadcasting pain. Instead, they reorient their gentle, jangle-to-crushing space metalContinue reading “Rosetta — Quintessential Ephemera”

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