The Nicsperiment’s Top Nine Albums of 2017

Hey, it’s my list! This year’s list might seem conventional at first, but it gets weirder as it goes along. 2017 is definitely an emotion-based one, but I’ve found that those are generally the ones I’ve still agreed with later…I’ve done them that way for every year after 2010…after I realized I was trying toContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Top Nine Albums of 2017”

The Nicsperiment’s Top Nine Songs of 2017 (From Albums Not On My Top Nine Albums List)

My new Jeep Renegade doesn’t have a CD player. 2017 is the year I finally went fully digital. This is liberating in some ways. I’ve waffled between digital and physical media the last few years, and probably bought less music as a result. Now that I’ve decisively gone with one form of media…Wait, I’m lying,Continue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Top Nine Songs of 2017 (From Albums Not On My Top Nine Albums List)”

The World Doesn’t Need Another The Last Jedi Thinkpiece, but Please Read Mine

I spent last Friday, like most Americans, in a dark room watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I enjoyed the movie very much, and like most of my fellow theater-goers, clapped at the end. My son enjoyed it, though he thought it was a little too long, my wife actually stayed awake through all ofContinue reading “The World Doesn’t Need Another The Last Jedi Thinkpiece, but Please Read Mine”

The Nicsperiment’s Nihilistic Nu-Metal Jaunt to Poverty Point

Life is completely meaningless, and with that thought in mind, I loaded my car up with tons of Sevendust, Slipknot, and Ill Niño, then drove 200 miles to a remote corner of the state to see the remains of the greatest North American civilization created before the arrival of Europeans, now named after a noContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Nihilistic Nu-Metal Jaunt to Poverty Point”

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Review Posted to a Couple of My Five Billion Blogs

You can check it out at its rehabilitated home. Or you can check it out here. Or you can not check it out at all, and go to Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen instead. If you do all three (which would prove impossible, given my wording), do that third one last. Otherwise, your keyboard is going to getContinue reading “Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Review Posted to a Couple of My Five Billion Blogs”

Roadside Monument — I Am the Day of Current Taste

8/10 Whatever experience and skill Roadside Monument needed to pull off their musical vision, by their final album, I Am the Day of Current Taste, they have both earned it and learned it. The band’s debut album, Beside This Brief Hexagonal, showed a band reaching for something beyond their grasp. They played a very simplisticContinue reading “Roadside Monument — I Am the Day of Current Taste”

Roadside Monument — Beside This Brief Hexagonal

5/10 “Emo is just rock music with bad singing.” — Jesse Smith, drummer for Zao (1994-2004) That quote might not be entirely fair, but in many (certainly not all!) cases, I have found it to be true.  Roadside’s Monument’s debut, Beside This Brief Hexagonal, certainly does not break this stereotype. The vocals are harsh, nasally,Continue reading “Roadside Monument — Beside This Brief Hexagonal”

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