It’s a Banjo Tooie Review Relaunch

Remember how I secretly reviewed an obscure video game title four years ago, then witnessed the photo-hosting site for the review go bust and take all of its pictures away? No! Well, that is a thing that happened, and I’ve restructured that review to mirror the format of reviews I’ve written after it, i.e., itContinue reading “It’s a Banjo Tooie Review Relaunch”

Rhubarb — Kamikaze

6/10 My favorite long lost radio tradition is the “caller number nine gets a free CD” one. CD’s were once a hot commodity, $18.99 at Blockbuster music, and a free one of any quality was a fairly big deal. Anytime KLSU gave one away, I dialed them up. That’s how I ended up with oneContinue reading “Rhubarb — Kamikaze”

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

For the first time in quite a while, I have had a perfect video game experience, and so for the first time in not quite a while, I have created a new blog to review it. Yes, in order to review The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I have created a new blogContinue reading “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”

Coming Soon to the Nicsperiment: Gamereviewapalooza! Also, What Is the Nicsperiment?

Earlier this year, I had numerous discussions with friends about how printed media is dead.Sample comment: “A blog is pointless because kids today don’t read. They just want to watch videos.”I also had several thoughts about social media.Sample thought: “You should re-join Facebook (after your seven year absence) so that you can promote your blogs.”InterestingContinue reading “Coming Soon to the Nicsperiment: Gamereviewapalooza! Also, What Is the Nicsperiment?”

Relient K — Forget and Not Slow Down

9/10 Forget and Not Slow Down is the best album Relient K have ever released.At some point in 2008, Matt Theissen allegedly cheated on his fiancĂ©e, and she left him. Theissen decided to go out in the middle of the woods and write an album about the experience. The band would then record it byContinue reading “Relient K — Forget and Not Slow Down”

Relient K — Five Score and Seven Years Ago

7/10 This is a tough one for me. I really enjoyed how Relient K’s Mmhmm featured some actual punk tempos, but also showed some progressive song-structuring. The album had an edge at moments, and was unpredictable at others. I didn’t feel like a youth group pastor just putting on what the kids liked to hearContinue reading “Relient K — Five Score and Seven Years Ago”

Relient K — Mmhmm

8/10 I purchased Relient K’s Mmhmm from a brand new Wal Mart on the way to vote for a man who didn’t win. Afterward, while snacking on Wal Mart-purchased Apples, I drove through a downpour, waving to sign-holding supporters of the man who didn’t win while I sat in my warm car, listening to RelientContinue reading “Relient K — Mmhmm”

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