Radiohead — OK Computer

10/10 Radiohead excavated the buried treasure of their true gift at the end of sophomore album, The Bends: the ability to convey despair. Since they pulled this musical feeling from the pit of their hearts, they’ve little deviated from it, even as their sound changes in leaps and bounds.From the first notes of Radiohead’s juniorContinue reading “Radiohead — OK Computer”

Radiohead — The Bends

8/10 I didn’t get into Radiohead until Kid A and Amnesiac, which came out, respectively, when I was in college. I loved the experimentation and atmosphere of those two albums, but was amused by comments from many long-term fans, and several fellow college DJ’s who wished Radiohead “would get back to the three-guitar rock ofContinue reading “Radiohead — The Bends”

Radiohead — Pablo Honey

6/10 “Inauspicious.” Radiohead’s debut album, Pablo Honey, borders on this classification. Radiohead, known for pushing borders just years later, began their career as a fairly generic mid-90’s alt-rock band. I posited a theory three years ago that several nations have produced their own equivalent of a Radiohead. The Appleseed Cast in America (this is notContinue reading “Radiohead — Pablo Honey”

It’s Radiohead Time!

Cool cache for hipsters who can’t even comprehend them. The band who changed how music is sold. Musical interpreters of the modern age. In all the talk about cultural impact, marketplace impact, aesthetic impact, blah, blah, blah, something about Radiohead is generally lost in the mix: they are a great band who has created incredibleContinue reading “It’s Radiohead Time!”

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