Project 86- Wait for the Siren

10/10 What the heck? After a lackluster 2009 album, and a subsequent label-dropping, and a period where all of the members but the vocalist left, yet the vocalist still continued to refer to the band as “we,” Project 86 releases one of, if not the best album under their name, Wait for the Siren. ToContinue reading “Project 86- Wait for the Siren”

Project 86 — 15. Live

8/10 In 2010, Project 86 ended the weirdest, most mysterious phase of their career with a live album performed by an anonymous band. I’m not exaggerating on the “weird” part. Project 86 recorded five albums with the same four members, announced the departure of their drummer, recorded another album, and then…the guitarist and the bassistContinue reading “Project 86 — 15. Live”

Project 86 — Picket Fence Cartel

6/10 2009, for The Nicsperiment, was a disappointing year in music. The Nicsperiment hated all of the critical darlings of that year–Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear, Dirty Projectors–and others’ interest in those bands seems to have been quite ephemeral considering none of these acts have never been heard from again. When all your fans are hipsters,Continue reading “Project 86 — Picket Fence Cartel”

Project 86 — The Kane Mutiny EP / This Time of Year EP

7/10 The Kane Mutiny EP puts a bow on the trio + Jason Gerken on drums phase of Project 86, with three previously unreleased songs recorded during the Rival Factions sessions, plus two  remixes of …And the Rest Will Follow songs…creating an interesting, if non-cohesive five-song listening experience. Also, I’ve always wanted to put both aContinue reading “Project 86 — The Kane Mutiny EP / This Time of Year EP”

Project 86 — Rival Factions

10/10 After listening to Rival Factions, Project 86’s sixth studio album, it’s clear what went wrong with their fifth, …And the Rest Will Follow. On album number five, the band clearly wanted to experiment, but instead of diving in, the band skittered around a sound not quite committed to experimentation or their more emblematic hardContinue reading “Project 86 — Rival Factions”

Project 86 — …And the Rest Will Follow

7/10 It’s hard to think of anything more 2005 than (no it’s not, but I needed an opening sentence, and I’ve been battling a virus that I’m not unsure is West Nile for the last week, so this is the first sentence of this review), a website where bands released new tracks to whetContinue reading “Project 86 — …And the Rest Will Follow”

Projec 86 — Songs to Burn Your Bridges By

10/10 [Editors Note: This is a review of the 2004 Tooth & Nail Release of Songs to Burn Your Bridges By, not the, by comparison, incomplete self-released 2003 version] After the release of 2002’s Truthless Heroes, Project 86 found themselves at a crossroads. Recently dropped by Atlantic Records, the band had no label. All butContinue reading “Projec 86 — Songs to Burn Your Bridges By”

Project 86 — Truthless Heroes

9/10 If you want a clear pre and post-delineation for pop-culture and 9/11, look no further than the discography of Project 86 (actually you can, and should look further, and in fact, I plan on doing a rather academic series on that very topic, at some point).Their classic 2000 release, Drawing Black Lines, dark asContinue reading “Project 86 — Truthless Heroes”

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