The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review

With The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild‘s recent release, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is no longer the most recently released Zelda console game. That didn’t stop me from recently playing through it, though, and reviewing it at the below Link…get it?Spoiler alert! The game’s controversial legacy is deserved!The Legend of Zelda:Continue reading “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review”

Total Obscurity! The Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Review You Didn’t Know You Wanted or Needed!

Yes, I wrote another review for a game no one cares about, on a system no one cares about. Sorry, I can’t help it. Just like Demi Lovato said, this is real, this is me. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

The Nicsperiment’s Honest Truth

When I went to college, I couldn’t pick a major. I had no idea what I wanted to do in life. I changed majors a thousand times. For a brief time, I even co-majored in History and Religious Studies! Back then, Louisiana had a special, recently rolled out program called TOPS. TOPS would pay forContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Honest Truth”

Travelogue: Brownell Memorial Park Carillon and The Mystery of the Morgan City Rambler

A few years ago, I was at Grand Isle, LA, but I was not fishing, crabbing, shrimping, or beaching like the other whales. I was watching cable access television. Some glorious local program, sponsored by a local motorcycle company, featured a hip leather-jacket-clad couple gallivanting around strange locations in South Louisiana. At some point, muchContinue reading “Travelogue: Brownell Memorial Park Carillon and The Mystery of the Morgan City Rambler”

The Police — Every Breath You Take: The Classics

10/10 If I wanted to show someone what The Police were about in one album, I’d play, Every Breath You Take: The Classics. In our current streaming-based musical climate, a greatest hits compilation might seem silly. However, for a band like The Police, who were so musically diverse, yet never quite nailed a perfect album,Continue reading “The Police — Every Breath You Take: The Classics”

The Police — Synchronicity

9/10 It is useful to look at the side change for the vinyl version of The Police’s final studio album, Synchronicity, to fully understand the record. The first side serves as the first half of an eclectic, slightly uneven, strangely reggae-less Police record, and the second is Sting’s audition as a solo artist. The firstContinue reading “The Police — Synchronicity”

The Police — Ghost in the Machine

6/10 Ghost in the Machine is the weirdest Police record, and also the most disappointing. That album cover, along with the opening track, “Spirits in the Material World,” gives the impression that the listener is in for some kind of dark, futuristic mysticism–all three band members operating at full capacity in a sort of endlessContinue reading “The Police — Ghost in the Machine”

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