Plankeye — Strange Exchange

10/10 When I am done with this review series (2019?), I’d like to write an entry titled, “The Most Underrated Christian Rock Albums of the Last 20 Years.” I’d mention Brave Saint Saturn’s little-heard 2003 space-rock concept album The Light of Things Hoped For. I’d list Newsboys’ (who are essentially now a dance-pop band) greatlyContinue reading “Plankeye — Strange Exchange”

Plankeye — The One and Only

8/10 Man, I’m out of gas after those last two reviews. Let’s be brief with this one.Plankeye’s Commonwealth is a classic album,  which sold a ton of copies, but a certain segment of the band’s fanbase didn’t appreciate its more somber tone. Plankeye responded to those fans with The One and Only, a lighter, sunnierContinue reading “Plankeye — The One and Only”

Plankeye — Commonwealth

9/10 On the same youth trip I referenced in the previous review, I took an ill-fated canoe ride with Jessica, the younger sister of my cousin, Rhett. Jessica is a few years older than me, and has consistently been my “cool cousin,” and the one who introduces me to what is cool, just as RhettContinue reading “Plankeye — Commonwealth”

Plankeye — Spark

5/10 Headed to Youth Camp, from Baton Rouge to the rural hills near Anniston, Alabama, the summer of 1996. About to start high school. Riding with the guys. My cousin Rhett pops in a mix-CD. This song plays: The van then breaks into an impromptu mosh pit, and I end up two seats forward. Awesome.Continue reading “Plankeye — Spark”

The Nicsperiment’s 1/10/17 Blockbuster Movie Marathon Reviews, featuring Batman v Superman, The Legend of Tarzan, Suicide Squad, and Jason Bourne

Last year, after Thanksgiving, I figured I should just take a day off of work to watch movies all day. Yesterday, I did the same thing. I was going to only watch three, but I threw on a late edition, giving me nine hours to watch four movies. But will these four critical piñatas allContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s 1/10/17 Blockbuster Movie Marathon Reviews, featuring Batman v Superman, The Legend of Tarzan, Suicide Squad, and Jason Bourne”

My First Review of the Year Is for a 24-Year Old PC Game

The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel changed the way I perceive life and interact with my environment. It isn’t the greatest game of all time or anything, but it is a good game, and the first of its kind I experienced, during those strange couple of years in lifeContinue reading “My First Review of the Year Is for a 24-Year Old PC Game”

The State of Blogging 2017: What Happened to Blogging?

As The Nicsperiment enters its FOURTEENTH year of blogging COUGH*with a two-year inactive streak during ’06-’08*COUGH, I’m left to wonder: what happened to everybody else? Is textually blogging dying as a format? Just among my peer group? Is everyone fleeing to a different blogging arena?My sister-in-law has a blog-tracker on the bottom of her nowContinue reading “The State of Blogging 2017: What Happened to Blogging?”

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