The Nicsperiment’s 11/29/16 Movie Marathon, featuring Star Trek Beyond, Independence Day: Resurgence, Lights Out, and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Last year, I had an even weirder life than I have now, and I got to go to the movies alone a lot during the day, like Don Draper––yep, exactly like Don Draper.This year, I didn’t really get to do that. There were a lot of movies I wanted to see that I knew fewContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s 11/29/16 Movie Marathon, featuring Star Trek Beyond, Independence Day: Resurgence, Lights Out, and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates”

The Nicsperiment’s First PC Game Review

Throughout the year, I have been ripping the soundtrack from the classic 1996 PC point-and-click adventure game, Timelapse. I had been looking for the soundtrack for nearly 20 years, then realized it wasn’t out there, and that I would have to make one myself. I posted the entire thing to Youtube a few months ago.Continue reading “The Nicsperiment’s First PC Game Review”

Hodges Gardens 3/1/16; Hodges Gardens 11/16/16: A Double Travelogue

One thing is abundantly clear: I went to Hodges Gardens twice. Hodges Gardens is a magical place in Western Louisiana, and life is strange, beautiful, and horrifying, sometimes in no particular order, and sometimes in exactly that order. As the great philosopher, Earl Theodore Simmons, once exclaimed, “It’s dark and hell is hot.” This isContinue reading “Hodges Gardens 3/1/16; Hodges Gardens 11/16/16: A Double Travelogue”

A Perfect Circle — Thirteenth Step

10/10 Music criticism should be objective, yet the appreciation of music is completely subjective. That’s the oxymoron of an album review. With that said, if you can’t give out a perfect score from time-to-time, you probably shouldn’t be writing music reviews. I’m sure there are those who think I hand out too many of them,Continue reading “A Perfect Circle — Thirteenth Step”

A Perfect Circle — Mer de Noms

9/10 Side-bands can be tricky propositions. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of one side-band of a band I love that I enjoy anywhere close to the original band. Conversely, there are some side-bands of bands I am not overly fond of, that I really love. I have never been a hugeContinue reading “A Perfect Circle — Mer de Noms”

Pep Squad — 1995​-​2000: Fact or Fiction

8/10 When I did my prep for these Pep Squad reviews, I wanted to make sure Pep Squad didn’t have any quiet reunions that I wasn’t aware of. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the band had compiled a final, unreleased album, composed of little known tracks, B-sides, and live songs. These kinds ofContinue reading “Pep Squad — 1995​-​2000: Fact or Fiction”

Pep Squad — Yreka Bakery

8/10 Pep Squad’s second and final full length of original material starts off with a borderline metal riff. The vocalist even sounds a little bit menacing. Then, barely more than a minute into the song, those poppy, wordless “oh, oh, oh, oh, ohs” squiggle out of the speakers. This is a Pep Squad album.Yrecka BakeryContinue reading “Pep Squad — Yreka Bakery”

Pep Squad — No Doy!

8/10 Way too many people have wasted way too much time debating what is and what is not punk music. Pep Squad aren’t rebelling against anything. They don’t seem to be anti-any establishment. They have some songs that are certainly “uptempo,” but nothing that anyone, even your big-band loving grandma, would consider blazing speed. TheyContinue reading “Pep Squad — No Doy!”

Pelican — City of Echoes

8/10 I own Pelican’s City of Echoes on vinyl because its cover looks really cool. I remember spending some of my crawfishing money on it in the spring of 2008, when my wife and I were living in about a 500 square-foot apartment in the coolest part of Baton Rouge. Man, I used to beContinue reading “Pelican — City of Echoes”

Pelican — The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw

8/10 This is one of the reviews I thought would be long, but I think will actually be short.In the mid-00’s, when all of the millennials started crowding in on my haunts, I started hearing a shocking, jarringly positive point-of-view. My Generation X brethren and I, if pushed to give our opinion on everything, wouldContinue reading “Pelican — The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw”

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