Remember 1993? Remember Jurassic Park? Remember Video Games? Yeah, I Member!

If you mosey on down to, you will see that I just spent a month playing all six 16-bit Jurassic Park games for three different video game systems, then compared and reviewed them, because that is my idea of fun. Alright.

The Nicsperiment’s Pearl Jam Listen-and-Review-a-Thon

If it wasn’t clear from the Nirvana reviews I posted over the summer, in the Nirvana vs Pearl Jam debate in the 90’s, I firmly chose Nirvana to the point that I own every Nirvana album, and no Pearl Jam ones. In fact, the only Pearl Jam album I’ve heard all the way through isContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Pearl Jam Listen-and-Review-a-Thon”

Pavement — Terror Twilight

 9/10 I was doing the thing all seventeen year-old dude’s love, giving my younger sister and brother a ride around town. They wanted to go to Wendy’s, so I pulled off of Florida Boulevard into Dave Thomas’ baby’s parking lot, only to find the window’s boarded up, and letters hanging off the sign. My lovelyContinue reading “Pavement — Terror Twilight”

Pavement — Wowee Zowee

 6/10 The summer before senior year of high school, Pavement released their final album, Terror Twilight. The local college station played “Major Leagues” from that, and I loved it, and I bought that album, and I tried to get into Pavement further, but their other albums don’t really sound like Terror Twilight. The other albumsContinue reading “Pavement — Wowee Zowee”

Patrick Doyle — Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

 8/10 My cousin Amber and I are contrarian jerks, and we mocked Harry Potter nerds for years until one day we saw this commercial. We then had a clandestine meeting where we decided to go to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in secret, perhaps while wearing fake glasses and mustaches (we settledContinue reading “Patrick Doyle — Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack”

Paramore — Paramore

 9/10 Paramore are too young for me. My millennial wife asked me to buy her their second album, Riot!, shortly after it was released, and I did, and I wasn’t impressed. A year later, my millennial wife asked me to buy her the Twilight soundtrack. More Paramore. The next year (2009), I streamed their thenContinue reading “Paramore — Paramore”

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