The Nintendo 64 Museum: Doom 64

Here’s another video game review, this one for Doom 64, which is surprisingly enjoyable, despite its archaic roots. If anything, the variety of things I’ve reviewed this month has been…diverse. The Nintendo 64 Museum: Doom 64: Released on March, 31, 1997 by Midway Games for the Nintendo 64, Doom 64 sends the space marine fromContinue reading “The Nintendo 64 Museum: Doom 64”

So Much for O

So O, you are now done. You were strange, short, and now you are… Over.Poor O, you are going to be followed by “P.” None of your albums scored “10’s,” but whoa Nellie are some “P” albums going to score tens. In fact, “P” might win this whole thing…Starting in October on The Nicsperiment, “P.”ThatContinue reading “So Much for O”

Owsey and Resotone — A Smile From The West (EP)

7/10 Sometimes at work, I’ll just click a song on Youtube, minimize the window, and let it go. Youtube has some sort of algorithm that picks more songs like the one you are listening to, and keeps on playing recommendations until you tell it to stop. Once for me, it landed on a “Chill Mix,”Continue reading “Owsey and Resotone — A Smile From The West (EP)”

Orcas — Orcas

 7/10 My kid used to make me Google sea creatures.  One time, he said, “Type in ‘Orcas.’” I did, and up came this album. At that point, Orcas self-titled debut was an upcoming release, but someone had already made a video for the single, “Carrion.” My son and I watched that video. He thought itContinue reading “Orcas — Orcas”

Over the Rhine — Ohio

4/10 At some point, most critics have a moment of self-discovery, where they realize that their point-of-view is different from everyone else’s. Without a unique voice or perspective, criticism is useless. My moment of, let’s call it self-differentiation, came in my early twenties, and it centered around a simple fact: I hate Over the Rhine.Continue reading “Over the Rhine — Ohio”

The Operation — There Is Hope for a Tree Cut Down

4/10 I bought The Operation’s There Is Hope for a Tree Cut Down for one reason: mewithoutYou frontman, Aaron Weiss, plays drums on it. Turns out, most of the members of The Operation would later play for mewithoutYou. The Operation released this debut LP a year before mewithoutYou’s Tooth & Nail Records debut. Weiss acquitsContinue reading “The Operation — There Is Hope for a Tree Cut Down”

Oasis — (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?

8/10 In the early-to-mid-90’s, my Converservative Evangelical mother used to let me listen to the secular rock station in the minivan. She allowed this so that she could have the opportunity to pass out zingers such as these: (While listening to Oasis’ “Wonderwall,” one of my favorite songs, in response to the lyric, “I thoughtContinue reading “Oasis — (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?”

Paul Oakenfold — Tranceport

7/10 Yes, I own a Paul Oakenfold record. It was the 90’s, Everyone was doing it! Honest!Actually, Tranceport is considered, by someone who contributes to Wikipedia, as a landmark of the “EDM” genre, and I also think it is pretty good. Oakenfold made techno music, likely peaking in the 90’s when, to quote my favoriteContinue reading “Paul Oakenfold — Tranceport”

…and I’ve Started Yet Another Blog

You know how when you only have a million blogs, and you really want to have 1,000,001?Apparently I do, because I just started another, this time dedicated to reviews of games for my favorite all-time video game system, the Super Nintendo. The first review, published today, is for the undisputed classic (I’m sure someone disputesContinue reading “…and I’ve Started Yet Another Blog”

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