Nine Inch Nails — Hesitation Marks

8/10 Well, this is it. Hesitation Marks, the last Nine Inch Nails album Trent Reznor has released, at least as of 2016. I’ll be honest and say that Hesitation Marks isn’t my favorite Nine Inch Nails album, but I like it a lot. You can tell with those early (and awesome) Nine Inch Nails albumsContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — Hesitation Marks”

I Just Wrote a Review For Super Mario 64

Over the past few months, I have felt inspired to change up my secret Nintendo 64 review website. I was writing in a very dry style, attempting to approximate the writing on a museum plaque, as I had titled the website “The Nintendo 64 Museum.” However, I started getting worn out writing that way, andContinue reading “I Just Wrote a Review For Super Mario 64”

Nine Inch Nails — The Slip

7/10 Trent Reznor generously released The Slip for free on his website in June of 2008. The album feels like a return-to-form, a natural evolution of the rock band sound of 2005’s With Teeth, instead of  the bloated garble of 2007’s Year Zero. He even finds time for a piano ballad and an ambient trackContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — The Slip”

Nine Inch Nails — Year Zero

5/10 I don’t slag albums very often, especially not ones by artists I admire, but I am about to slag Nine Inch Nail’s Year Zero.You know how right now I can go to Target and use whatever restroom I choose, regardless of what’s hanging or not hanging between my legs? The now nine-year old YearContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — Year Zero”

Nine Inch Nails — With Teeth

8/10 Sometimes musical change is a bit tough to take. Trent Reznor went six years (1999-2005) without releasing a new Nine Inch Nails studio album. In that time period, after years of alcohol and drug addiction, Reznor became sober. He changed as a person, and his music changed, too. Nine Inch Nails 90’s output almostContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — With Teeth”

Nine Inch Nails — Still

8/10 Still is a personal favorite of mine. It was originally packaged with a live album from The Fragile Tour, but Nine Inch Nails, aka Trent Reznor, made the rather wise decision to sell it separately, as well. I can count the number of live albums I’ve purchased on one hand. Live isn’t one ofContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — Still”

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