Nine Inch Nails — The Fragile

8/10Left Disc: 9/10Right Disc: 7/10 First, I want to say one last thing about The Downward Spiral. How about that album cover? It’s beautiful on its own, a work of art, yet it also abstractly sums up the album it was created to represent…which is also a work of art.A work of art, if youContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — The Fragile”

Nine Inch Nails — The Downward Spiral

10/10 I remember it very clearly: the members of my youth group not currently on stage are all bunched around me on the back row of our Titian Avenue church. Those who are on stage are putting on a purposefully silly drama about the ill-effects of popular music on teenagers. One guy has tied hisContinue reading “Nine Inch Nails — The Downward Spiral”

And Now It’s Time for…NIN?

Yeah, so I like Nine Inch Nails. I’ve never listened to him in any situation where I wasn’t alone, and I don’t have one of those classic T-Shirts, so maybe this will surprise some people.I’m about to publish reviews for a bunch of his albums, but I am finding some interesting topics to explore, asContinue reading “And Now It’s Time for…NIN?”

Baskets — Season One

Baskets2016FX NetworksSeason One Score: 9/10 I haven’t done a full-entry review on a full season of television in a while. The shows I’ve already reviewed, I feel I’d be a bit redundant in reviewing season to season, and nothing has held the inviting combination of sparking my interest and not being already spoken of toContinue reading “Baskets — Season One”

Night Verses — Lift Your Existence

7/10 It’s awesome to have your best friend stay for a weekend, but if they stay for the whole week…they start to get on your nerves. Proggish/heavyish band, Night Verses, has a drummer who could feasibly play drums for the Milky Way All-Stars. The Milky Way All-Stars are a hypothetical band I am proposing thatContinue reading “Night Verses — Lift Your Existence”

Night Verses — Out of the Sky EP

8/10 Do you want to listen to an inventive hard rock band? Sure, we all do. So download this EP to find out how easy it is to give your ears a better time. Far less than 10 million men and women have listened to this EP without setting foot inside a classroom and nowContinue reading “Night Verses — Out of the Sky EP”

Nick Lachey — What’s Left of Me

You Cannot Purchase this Engagement Ring Because You Don’t Have Any Credit/10 Let me start this off with a caveat: I’m sure Nick Lachey is a nice guy. He seemed amiable enough to poke fun at himself in this recent Foo Fighters fake “Breaking Up” announcement. With that said, I have no interest in actuallyContinue reading “Nick Lachey — What’s Left of Me”

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