Nicholas Hooper — Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

7/10 Nicholas Hooper sticks out like a sore thumb in the Harry Potter film composer rogues gallery, and the two scores Hooper composed for Harry Potter stick out like sore thumbs in his discography. Hooper’s catalogue , excluding the two Potter soundtracks, is abundant with work for small and TV films, and nature documentaries. HoweverContinue reading “Nicholas Hooper — Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

Nicholas Hooper — Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

7/10 In strange irony, despite all of the praise I give maestro John Williams, I own every Harry Potter soundtrack except for the three he composed. It’s not that I don’t think they are up to par with the rest of his oeuvre, but rather I don’t really have much of an emotional connection withContinue reading “Nicholas Hooper — Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

The Nicsperiment and David Bowie

Sunday I went for a drive. I tuned my radio to the college alternative station at which I DJ’d more than 11 years ago. David Bowie playing. David Bowie playing again. The young DJ came on, and announced that in honor of David Bowie’s recent death, she was going to play David Bowie’s music allContinue reading “The Nicsperiment and David Bowie”

The Nicsperiment’s End of Winter Break Movie and TV Show Season Mini-Reviews

I don’t know if this has just been an exceptionally strong fall and early winter for movies and TV, or if I have just gotten soft. I generally enjoyed most of the media I experienced over the past few months. Here are mini-reviews of everything I can recall watching. Same rules as always…two sentences apiece…”sentences”Continue reading “The Nicsperiment’s End of Winter Break Movie and TV Show Season Mini-Reviews”

The Nicsperiment’s Top Nine Albums of 2015

This was the weirdest year of my life. On top of that, my two main sources for new music, Decoy Music and Indievision Music, both shuttered their doors. These two factors conspired to create a musical nightmare scenario, as a couple of months ago, I realized I hadn’t heard much of what 2015 musically hadContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Top Nine Albums of 2015”

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