The National — High Violet

7/10 Look, I know I just basically reviewed The National’s Boxer as if it was the worst thing anyone has recorded, but it’s not. Though I haven’t heard anyone talk about this band in a while, nor do I know of any of the folks who were eight years ago championing Boxer as the greatestContinue reading “The National — High Violet”

The National — Boxer

6/10 Remember Paste Magazine? It was like the kindler, gentler Pitchfork, except it was a real magazine, except now it is not a real magazine anymore, and it is online like Pitchfork. Whereas, Pitchfork is the snobby hipster idiot, Paste is the kindly, bearded, sweater-wearing English Professor, except they both like the exact same music.IContinue reading “The National — Boxer”

So Much for M

M, you had your chance, and now it’s over. You had the terrible misfortune of occupying the weirdest year of my life. I can barely remember writing reviews for you. I hope they were decent. Maybe I will look back on them later and think, Man when I wrote M, I was on fire! Now, ontoContinue reading “So Much for M”

My Morning Jacket — Okonokos

8/10 First listen: checked this out from the library at which I worked. Listened to it on the way to Tennessee, while my wife slept. It is over two hours of live music, two hours of long music, with a first disc containing songs that work better as singles and sing-a-longs, and a second discContinue reading “My Morning Jacket — Okonokos”

My Morning Jacket — Z

10/10My wife has, at some point, brought every My Morning Jacket album ever released into our house or car. I’ve heard all of them. With that said, I have purchased one My Morning Jacket album for myself. That album is Z. I purchased it shortly after its release in the fall of 2005*, due toContinue reading “My Morning Jacket — Z”

If Idris Elba Was James Bond

As current James Bond, Daniel Craig, is talking retirement from the role, one particular actor’s name keeps popping up as his successor. I didn’t feel like putting a colon or a dash in that previous sentence, but that actor is Idris Elba. Elba is best known for his role as the business minded gangster, StringerContinue reading “If Idris Elba Was James Bond”

Wii U Game Reviews: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Review)

After a summer hiatus, my Wii U Game Reviews website is back in class with a review of the rather excellent Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Here’s hoping life cooperates and I can babble out another one of these, as they’re great fun for me. That makes one of us. Wii U Game Reviews: DonkeyContinue reading “Wii U Game Reviews: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Review)”

So Now What Do You Think About MxPx?

So, I just did a full month of reviews for MxPx. I actually wrote these reviews way back in July, but it pays to think…and write ahead. Time for the self Q&A. So…did you like listening to MxPx for a whole month?Honestly…yes. I was scared that even the best of these albums would sound dated,Continue reading “So Now What Do You Think About MxPx?”

MxPx — Plans Within Plans

9/10 If this is the end, it’s a fitting one. It’s been three years since MxPx self-released Plans Within Plans, but in 2012, I honestly wasn’t ready for the album. I still thought I was young and the world was my oyster. Just look at this album cover. This is not a photograph of youngContinue reading “MxPx — Plans Within Plans”

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