MxPx — Left Coast Punk EP

8/10 Perhaps realizing that their On the Cover II didn’t exactly stoke the flames Secret Weapon had re-ignited in their fanbase a couple years before, MxPx returned months later with the Left Coast Punk Ep. Immediately resuming the speed punk of Secret Weapon (and that of the band’s glory days), Left Coast Punk proves that SecretContinue reading “MxPx — Left Coast Punk EP”

MxPx — On the Cover II

7/10 After the return to roots Secret Weapon, 2009 MxPx decided to just do something fun. They’d put out a covers EP 14 years before. Now that they’d brought a bunch of old listeners back into the fold, why not make a whole album full of covers?While On the Cover II is fun, I’m notContinue reading “MxPx — On the Cover II”

MxPx — Secret Weapon

9/10 Defeat. It sucks. I’m at the point in life where I’m getting all platitudinal, so I’ll say this: defeat isn’t what happens to you, it’s how you respond to what happens. Yeah, that’s kind of crap when you lose. I mean, what if Jacob Hester hadn’t gotten that first down on fourth and one?Continue reading “MxPx — Secret Weapon”

MxPx — Let’s Rock

8/10 Let’s Rock hit music store shelves two months before I got married. I remember passing a new copy in FYE, reading the title, and thinking Let’s Not. At that point in my life, I found myself not only jaded by MxPx’s last few releases, but a bit lost in my romantic relationship, and withoutContinue reading “MxPx — Let’s Rock”

MxPx — Panic

7/10 Long-time Nicsperiment readers know that if there are two things I like to do, they’re 1. Changing erroneous Wikipedia entries 2. Talking about stuff that happened 10 years ago.Up until five minutes ago, the Wikipedia entry for MxPx’s seventh full-length album, Panic, read: It (Panic) also leaves the pop punk sound off their previousContinue reading “MxPx — Panic”

MxPx — The AC/EP

6/10 Bad timing. After a very long run of punk rock invincibility, MxPx suddenly became very, very mortal with their 2003 pop-rock album, Before Everything and After. As a long-time fan of the band, I tried really, really (it’s double-adverb Friday) hard to like Before Everything and After–but after a few months, I realized theContinue reading “MxPx — The AC/EP”

MxPx — Before Everything & After

5/10 I’d like to preface this review with the assertion that I am a huge MxPx fan. My favorite member of the band is Yuri because the other two guys are deceptively tall for their appearance, which kind of creeps me out, but Yuri is the exact height you would think he would be, plusContinue reading “MxPx — Before Everything & After”

MxPx — The Renaissance EP

7/10 And here is the moment where MxPx became mortal. After an incredible five-year run where essentially everything they recorded was punk rock gold, it only took one chorus for me to realize that MxPx was not, in fact, infallible. That chorus comes from The Renaissance EP‘s third song, “Party II (Time to Go”), andContinue reading “MxPx — The Renaissance EP”

MxPx — The Ever Passing Moment

9/10 2000’s The Ever Passing Moment marks a change in MxPx’s career trajectory. The band achieved nearly unparalleled sales and popularity in the realm of mid-90’s punk rock (how many punk bands pre(and post)-blink-182 have a gold record to their name?). Any decent band worth their salt generally grows restless with their trademark sound byContinue reading “MxPx — The Ever Passing Moment”

MxPx — The Broken Bones

9/10 And when it seems that the golden age of MxPx could not possibly continue, here comes a little jewel of an EP rarity, 7:40 of music released to a few radio stations and never to the general public. If there’s another four song-EP that averages less than two-minutes a song, yet is this satisfying,Continue reading “MxPx — The Broken Bones”

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