Moonlit Sailor — A Footprint of Feelings

9/10 Post-rock? Homey don’t say that. Yes, I know I just botched that In Living Color quote, but I mean it the way I put it. I think “post-rock” is one of the laziest rock sub-genre titles I’ve heard. Just check out how nebulous the Wikipedia definition is. Basically, if something is rock music, butContinue reading “Moonlit Sailor — A Footprint of Feelings”

Mono — Holy Ground: NYC Live with the Wordless Music Orchestra

9/10 In a bit of happenstance, I just reviewed all seven Lost soundtracks, and now I’m reviewing an album I picked up the same week Lost ended. For a while, I had Lost’s series finale and Mono’s Holy Ground: NYC Live with the Wordless Music Orchestra conflated in my head, but the years have thankfully separatedContinue reading “Mono — Holy Ground: NYC Live with the Wordless Music Orchestra”

Mono — You Are There

8/10 My first three years of marriage to my (still) wife had a definite peak. A few weeks before our third anniversary, our family grew to three people, and I’m hoping we haven’t peaked yet (maybe we’ll have a lot of peaks). The peak of non-parentitude marriage occurred sometime between October of 2007 and JuneContinue reading “Mono — You Are There”

Moby — Wait for Me

7/10 I recently arrived to work an hour early because I didn’t look closely enough at my schedule. I had Moby’s Wait for Me in my car, in preparation for this review. Now I had a full hour to dedicate myself completely to Wait for Me. I hoped my reaction to Wait for Me wouldContinue reading “Moby — Wait for Me”

Moby — 18

8/10 Uh…I want to make an onomatopoeia right here for something similar to “oh, boy,” but not like, the enthusiastic “Oh, boy!” but the “Oh, boy” you say when you’re at a family gathering and someone says something that’s going to start on argument. Like a “here we go,” “oh, boy.” “Ooh, boy?” No, thatContinue reading “Moby — 18”

The Nicsperiment’s End of Summer Movie and TV Show Season Mini-Reviews, 2015

The summer has come to a close, and here are a bunch of two-sentence or shorter reviews of all the movies and TV shows I watched during its second half. You should read them because I didn’t just subject you to something like, “Check out these hot takes!” as the Nicsperiment does not go inContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s End of Summer Movie and TV Show Season Mini-Reviews, 2015”

Moby — MobySongs 1993–1998

9/10 Wikipedia is fallible. Extremely fallible. Anyone with an Internet-equipped device can edit any entry, including me. I’ve edited quite a few, as quite a few have been wrong (until I fixed them). For the album I’m reviewing in this entry, MobySongs 1993-1998, I deleted most of Wikipedia’s first paragraph, as it contained the undocumented,Continue reading “Moby — MobySongs 1993–1998”

Moby — Play

10/10 Early June, 1999I am driving the field road between Lakeland’s Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on HWY 416 and the old Pourciau’s Pharmacy on the Chenal. I am listening to KLSU, and the DJ is raving about the new Moby record, Play. “It’s magnificent!” he says before playing a song called “Porcelain.” The song featuresContinue reading “Moby — Play”

The Miscellaneous — Moth and Rust

8/10 I could easily regret my first college go-round. I majored in my hobby, came out with no intention of finding employment in that field, and have struggled to settle on any sort of career ever since I graduated. It’s been 11 years now, but I am to the point in life that I don’tContinue reading “The Miscellaneous — Moth and Rust”

Misao Senbongi and Shusaku Uchiyama – "Serenity"

2005 for me was the kind of intensely isolating and journeying year that is more fun to reminisce about than to actually experience, though it was fun. I documented a lot of it here, except for the Heart of Darkness Summer, where I not only turned my back on flesh-and-blood humans, but the Internet. CheckContinue reading “Misao Senbongi and Shusaku Uchiyama – "Serenity"”

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