Michael W. Smith — The Big Picture

6/10 My mother became a Christian right before I was born, to kick off the glorious 80’s. Over time, she slowly put away her Zeppelin, Skynryd, and Sabbath for…CCM. One time she had Michael W. Smith’s The Big Picture in her car. Between my sister’s dance practice and my parents’ house, I heard one ofContinue reading “Michael W. Smith — The Big Picture”

Miles W Bear

I’m about to review three artists who are basically the same person: Contemporary Christian Music artist, Michael W Smith, trumpeter, Miles Davis, and the rock band, Minus the Bear. Actually, I’m going to review two albums by Smith, take a little break for something really important that may lead to a very entertaining entry orContinue reading “Miles W Bear”

Michael Knott — Hearts of Care

8/10 I couldn’t tell you when I first heard of Mike Knott. Was it when I stumbled upon the wonderfully cathartic “Rocket and a Bomb” on a particularly dark night? Was it reading a hyped up article on the good old Internet, about how Knott was Christian music’s hidden legend, a troubadour who battled addictionContinue reading “Michael Knott — Hearts of Care”

Michael Giacchino — Lost: The Last Episodes (Original Television Soundtrack)

10/10 I’ll be blunt: if you go to a movie today, you’ll be lucky to even notice the music composed for it, let alone be humming its themes the next day. This isn’t just some weird opinion that I’m throwing out there to give myself an easy intro to this review–one of the greatest filmContinue reading “Michael Giacchino — Lost: The Last Episodes (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Michael Giacchino — Lost: The Final Season (Original Television Soundtrack)

8/10 And now we are so close to the end. Lost’s final season features two separate soundtracks, consisting of nearly five hours of music, spread across four discs. The first soundtrack covers all but the last four episodes of Lost’s sixth season, though there are two bonus tracks from the series finale given at theContinue reading “Michael Giacchino — Lost: The Final Season (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Michael Giacchino – Lost Season 5 (Original Television Soundtrack)

7/10 Lost’s fifth season is my favorite. It follows no rules, save its one through-line question: can the past be changed? Season Four ended with half of the surviving characters off the island and back on the mainland in some way, and the other half still marooned. However, one of the island’s defense mechanisms hasContinue reading “Michael Giacchino – Lost Season 5 (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Michael Giacchino — Lost Season 4(Original Television Soundtrack)

9/10 Full disclosure…that last review took quite a bit out of me. 67 tracks is…a lot of tracks. Lost’s third season is so complex and had so many things factoring into it. I mean, I love it, but as far as reviewing things, Season Four’s soundtrack is going to be so much easier! Also, I’mContinue reading “Michael Giacchino — Lost Season 4(Original Television Soundtrack)”

The Nicsperiment’s 2015 Early Summer Movie Mini-Reviews

It’s the summer! That means it’s time for some two-sentence movie reviews, dawg! Do people still say “dawg?” Whatup, Catz? WORST INTRO EVER. Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem — 5/10It appeared at the camp in Grand Isle in the summer of 2008…or was it 2009…on the entertainment center shelf, a mysterious DVD with the initials “CContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s 2015 Early Summer Movie Mini-Reviews”

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