Michael Giacchino — Lost Season 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

7/10 If you want the short of this review, here it is: Lost Season 3 (Original Television Soundtrack) is overall enjoyable, but doesn’t hold together quite as well as the season it was created for.For those who want the long of it…this is going to take awhile.Lost’s third season may be the most noteworthy ofContinue reading “Michael Giacchino — Lost Season 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Michael Giacchino — Lost Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack)

8/10 Lost found itself in a bit of a conundrum after its first season. It had achieved blockbuster (couchbuster?) viewer numbers, helping to bring glory back to the once slumping ABC, and earning a place atop the heap of pop culture. One thing, though…Lost isn’t really that kind of show. It’s not the popular kid…it’sContinue reading “Michael Giacchino — Lost Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Michael Giacchino — Lost (Original Television Soundtrack)

9/10 Lost. It conjures strong emotions. Love. Hate. Indifference, only from those who haven’t seen it.Lost. It means a lot to me. It means a lot to a lot of people. It hurts a little to know there are people out there who hate the show so much.Here’s the thing with Lost…from multiple perspectives:The openingContinue reading “Michael Giacchino — Lost (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Wii U Game Reviews: Metroid: Other M (Review)

I’ve been working on this one for the past month or so. Might be the last thing from me for a little while, as I am working really hard on getting the tone right for the next batch of reviews…and also because I apparently have arthritis in my early 30’s. Ow. Wii U Game Reviews:Continue reading “Wii U Game Reviews: Metroid: Other M (Review)”

What the Heck Is a Yooka-Laylee?

Who are those weird characters up above this text? Who cares! The majority of the original Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country teams have reunited to make an independent gaming company, Playtonic Games, in service of the creation of titles like the two I just mentioned! Yooka-Laylee is their first project, and they’ve somehow alsoContinue reading “What the Heck Is a Yooka-Laylee?”

I’m Sorry, Mama

When I review albums for my “Every Album I Own” series, I pull the “to be reviewed” list from a digital database I’ve created of all my digitally formatted albums (CD and MP3). Vinyl is not digital. It is analog. Therefore, my vinyl albums are not in my database. I’ve reviewed few of them here,Continue reading “I’m Sorry, Mama”

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