Living Sacrifice — Ghost Thief

7/10 Man, that was a good sandwich. Now, where was I?The cover art, along with nostalgic memories of The Hammering Process, psyched me up to purchase Living Sacrifice’s Ghost Thief. On first listen, Ryan Clark’s fiesty guest vocals on opening track, “Screwtape,” pumped me up even more. Unfortunately, the rest of the album just sortContinue reading “Living Sacrifice — Ghost Thief”

Living Sacrifice — The Hammering Process

9/10 Here is yet another album that makes me miss the golden age of Christian rock (mid 90’s-early 00’s). Living Sacrifice is a heavy band out of Arkansas. Their early material was thrashy heavy metal, but by the start of the new century, Living Sacrifice evolved into the best version of themselves. The Hammering ProcessContinue reading “Living Sacrifice — The Hammering Process”

Linkin Park — The Hunting Party

8/10 After Living Things, Linkin Park parried about the idea of making an even dancier album. They instead made the heaviest album of their career. The Hunting Party is Linkin Park’s take on 80’s punk and metal. The cool thing is, The Hunting Party still very much sounds like Linkin Park. This is 80’s punkContinue reading “Linkin Park — The Hunting Party”

Linkin Park — Living Things

8/10 Amount of songs on Linkin Park’s first two albums over four minutes long: 0Amount of songs on Linkin Park’s fourth album, A Thousand Suns, over four minutes long: 7It’s safe to say that over the course of four albums, Linkin Park evolved quite a bit. Their first two albums perfected the rap/rock dynamic, theContinue reading “Linkin Park — Living Things”

Linkin Park — A Thousand Suns

8/10 Well, here it is. The great divide…beside the song of that name that was only created to soundtrack a Transformers video.A Thousand Suns marks a break for Linkin Park. The previous album, Minutes to Midnight, found the band attempting to stretch themselves and play against type. Unfortunately, that made them sound like a millionContinue reading “Linkin Park — A Thousand Suns”

Linkin Park — Minutes to Midnight

4/10 I have never heard a band miscalculate what their core strengths are worse than Linkin Park, on their third album, Minutes to Midnight. Though I’ve admitted I underestimated how good the first two Linkin Park albums were when they were released, I still agree with my mid-00’s assessment that, after those two, Linkin ParkContinue reading “Linkin Park — Minutes to Midnight”

Linkin Park — Meteora

9/10 Meteora may just be Linkin Park’s finest album, and I greatly undervalued it upon its release.In early 2003, it was not cool to like Linkin Park. They at least had better cred among music snobs than say, Creed, but Linkin Park had just ended the most successful (to this day) album cycle of theContinue reading “Linkin Park — Meteora”

Linkin Park — Hybrid Theory

9/10 I’ve heard it all before. Nu-metal is garbage. Rap-metal is worse. Worst fad to hit the late-90’s, early 00’s. Unintelligent, jock music. Yeah, whatever. Most music is part of some fad or other. The genre doesn’t matter, and the movement doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is this: either the music’s good, orContinue reading “Linkin Park — Hybrid Theory”

likeDavid — It Started With Twelve

6/10 Here is one of the rarer, stranger items in my collection. In 2002, I read a review in HM Magazine for an album by a band called likeDavid that “sounded like Deftones.” (don’t be scared, there are supposed to be that many prepositions in the sentences on this website). Deftones were and are oneContinue reading “likeDavid — It Started With Twelve”

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