500,000 People Every Week Are Not the Worst; Why You’re The Worst Is the Best

Back in 2005, FX Networks premiered its first two original comedies in a one hour block. The lead-in was “Starved” a show about a support group for eating disorders. Starved was highly advertised and received plenty of controversy and attention before it ever aired. The second show didn’t receive any attention at all. I watchedContinue reading “500,000 People Every Week Are Not the Worst; Why You’re The Worst Is the Best”

The Nicsperiment’s End of Summer Movie Mini-Reviews, 2014

The summer is over. I am crying. Why do summers have to end? If the summer was endless, would we surf forever? I tried to surf once, and I hurt myself. Here are mini-reviews of everything I’ve watched since my summer break movie mini-reviews. I called that one “summer break” because I thought that wasContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s End of Summer Movie Mini-Reviews, 2014”

Kent — Röd

9/10 After offering up a decade of career best work, Kent decided to end the 00’s as weirdly as possible. Röd finds Kent continuing in the electronic direction they took with Tillbaka Till Samtiden, but adding back more of the rock and live instrumentation of their earlier career. Most importantly, though, Röd finds Kent beingContinue reading “Kent — Röd”

Kent — Tillbaka till samtiden

10/10 How can a band at their peak be re-invigorated? Kent was at a highpoint in 2007, having, over the last half-decade, released their best-selling record, followed by their most critically acclaimed. Apparently, Kent is a restless band, and this makes for greater creativity, and consequently, greater productivity. After so much success, Kent returns withContinue reading “Kent — Tillbaka till samtiden”

Kent — The hjärta & smärta EP

9/10 After receiving so much acclaim for their sixth full-length album, Du & jag döden, Kent decided to strike while the iron was hot, releasing The hjärta & smärta EP just seven months later. This turned out to be a great idea, as the five songs on the EP are as good as anything onContinue reading “Kent — The hjärta & smärta EP”

Kent — Du & Jag Döden

10/10 Du & Jag Döden is the quintessential Kent album. Most of the five albums Kent released before Du & Jag Döden are great, but when a Kent fan thinks of the “Kent” sound, they invariably imagine how Kent sounds on this record. Unfortunately, describing how a band sounds is one of the most abstractContinue reading “Kent — Du & Jag Döden”

Kent — Vapen & Ammunition

10/10 Here’s a sublime 45-minute slice of music. Kent’s Vapen and & Ammunition is a relaxed, definitive take on everything Kent, the most popular Swedish rock band of all time, are capable of doing. The faster-paced songs have attitude and vision, the ballads are assured and confident, and the whole thing sounds great. Whether it’sContinue reading “Kent — Vapen & Ammunition”

Kent — B-sidor 95-00

7/10 Most bands don’t compile 25-worthy B-Sides in only five years’ time. Kent is not most bands. Kids these days don’t even understand what a B-Side is. Here is a quick summation: Back in the day, singles weren’t released digitally on Youtube for streaming. The Internet did not exist. Singles were…wait, what’s a single? AContinue reading “Kent — B-sidor 95-00”

Fargo — Season One (Review)

Fargo2014 FX NetworksSeason OneScore: 9/10 “…if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you…“    -Middle of Genesis 4:7 This particular verse came into my head during one of Billy Bob Thornton’s first scenes in the first episode of FX’s Fargo. Thornton plays the malevolent,Continue reading “Fargo — Season One (Review)”

Kent — Hagnesta Hill

Swedish Edition: 8/10English Edition: 9/10 If we’re taking a Radiohead comparison here, Kent go straight from their The Bends to Hail to the Thief with Hagnesta Hill. If we’re not taking a Radiohead comparison here, and considering Kent’s criticism’s are cultural and not political, and considering Kent are a lot more interested in writing songsContinue reading “Kent — Hagnesta Hill”

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