John Reuben — Sex, Drugs and Self-Control

8/10 This is a review for an album called Sex, Drugs and Self-Control that contains a song titled “Paranoid Schizophrenic Apocalyptic Whisper Kitten,” so it might be a little scattered. Sex, Drugs and Self-Control is John Reuben’s final album (for now). This album is the most unique of Rebuen’s oeuvre. While on past albums heContinue reading “John Reuben — Sex, Drugs and Self-Control”

John Reuben — Word of Mouth

10/10 John Reuben underwent some pretty astounding growth between his second and third albums. Better lyrics, better music. He nearly perfectly balanced his goofier, fun-loving side with his more introspective side, writing better songs than ever. His fourth album then implicitly stated the divide between the two sides, but The Boy Vs. the Cynic didn’tContinue reading “John Reuben — Word of Mouth”

John Reuben — The Boy Vs. the Cynic

8/10 The Boy Vs. the Cynic takes John Rebuen’s rap-music in a more rock-oriented direction. Lyrically, The Boy Vs. the Cynic is a direct response to Reuben’s previous album, Professional Rapper. Some people felt that Professional Rapper took Reuben in too dark a direction. The Boy Vs. the Cynic draws a dark line between Reuben’sContinue reading “John Reuben — The Boy Vs. the Cynic”

John Reuben — Professional Rapper

8/10 9/10 I don’t write often about the grading scale I use, but I feel like I should elaborate a bit to set up this review. In my 1-10 scale, between each number, there is no greater quality jump than from a seven to an eight. A Nicsperiment seven is a pretty decent album, butContinue reading “John Reuben — Professional Rapper”

John Reuben — Hindsight

7/10 * * * I have to be honest. I didn’t listen to too much Christian music in high school. The debate rages on to infinity about what constitutes “Christian Music” or if there is even such a thing, but for the majority of high school, I certainly didn’t focus on those lines. I focusedContinue reading “John Reuben — Hindsight”

Jóhann Jóhannsson — IBM 1401: A User’s Manual

10/10While I had been introduced to Jóhann Jóhannsson before, this movie trailer really got my attention: Unfortunately, the trailer is better than ANYTHING from the film. That’s probably because Jóhann Jóhannsson’s “the sun’s gone dim and the sky’s turned black” doesn’t soundtrack the entire movie.Jóhannsson is a bit of an enigma (I checked wikipedia and theyContinue reading “Jóhann Jóhannsson — IBM 1401: A User’s Manual”

The Nicsperiment: Episode VI: Return of the Content

As anyone can see, the first two months of this year (2014) have been the Nicsperiment’s least prolific in over three years. The reason is simple: Chemical Engineering is a demanding degree to acquire, especially for someone in their 30’s who has to pay his family’s rent, and with a child at home who saysContinue reading “The Nicsperiment: Episode VI: Return of the Content”

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