Jars of Clay — Jars of Clay

10/10 Jars of Clay’s self-titled album is one of the most beloved, hyped debut’s of the last twenty years. As good as it is, the band have probably released a couple of albums in the last two decades that are better. That doesn’t diminish the magic of Jars of Clay, though. In lieu of writingContinue reading “Jars of Clay — Jars of Clay”

The Nicsperiment Changes Its Song. Also, The Nicsperiment Hates the expression, "Changes Its Song."

I have run out of room. My CD shelf is crammed far past overloaded, and my car looks like an FYE bargain bin. I literally have nowhere left to put new, physical copies of music. This means, if I am going to continue to purchase music, I have to pretty much disregard that four yearsContinue reading “The Nicsperiment Changes Its Song. Also, The Nicsperiment Hates the expression, "Changes Its Song."”

James Newton Howard — The Sixth Sense (Original Score)

10/10 I just criticized a James Newton Howard soundtrack album heavily. I may have given the impression that I dislike The Fugitive (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) because it does not contain enough music, but the fact is that I dislike it because it does not contain the right music. The Sixth Sense (Original Score) isContinue reading “James Newton Howard — The Sixth Sense (Original Score)”

James Newton Howard — The Fugitive (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

5/10 Let me make something clear: the actual score that James Newton Howard composed for the now twenty-year old classic film, The Fugitive, is excellent. I love that film, and I love its music. You won’t find a lot of it on Elektra’s 1993 soundtrack release for the film, though. Portions of this album’s paltryContinue reading “James Newton Howard — The Fugitive (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

James Horner — Clear and Present Danger (Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

9/10 What is more American than a scowling Harrison Ford, draped in an American flag?Nothing!Clear and Present Danger comes from the top of a very underrated pool of mid-90’s action-adventure films. It includes one of the greatest, most-emulated set-pieces of all time, and here is a moment of it. Now I know what some filmContinue reading “James Horner — Clear and Present Danger (Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

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