So Much for G

Well, another letter down! That was quick. As I write these so far in advance of publishing them, I’m actually working on the tail end of “I” right now. I can’t even remember what’s in “H.” You are in for about as many surprises as I am.“H”ooray!!!

Grimes — Visions

8/10 You ever wonder what would happen if someone combined those songs from the end of anime movies with the music from a really seedy, late-night 80’s dance club?No you didn’t, you liar, and that was a rhetorical question, and also I can’t hear you because I’m your computer monitor.Anyway, apparently someone from Canada namedContinue reading “Grimes — Visions”

Greenday — 21st Century Breakdown

3/10 I gave Greenday’s American Idiot a great review with the caveat that with enough time a monkey could type a Shakespearean play word for word. I came to that admittedly mean opinion after being enticed to buy American Idiot‘s followup, 21st Century Breakdown. I mistakenly credited Greenday’s age and apparent growing experience, maturity, and skill asContinue reading “Greenday — 21st Century Breakdown”

Greenday — American Idiot

9/10 I hate Greenday. I really, really hate them. I think it probably started sometime in the seventh grade. “When I Come Around” had just hit the radio, and all the guys from my class were singing it in their new, deep voices. My voice finally changed last year, when I turned 31, but IContinue reading “Greenday — American Idiot”

Grant Kirkhope — Banjo-Kazooie N64 OST

9/10 Back in the Nintendo 64’s heyday, which also coincided with my time in high school, one of my favorite daily activities was checking (the now mostly defunct) IGN64‘s news updates as soon as I got home. When IGN64 first announced Banjo Kazooie sometime in 1997, I couldn’t wait to play it. The screenshots and artwork lookedContinue reading “Grant Kirkhope — Banjo-Kazooie N64 OST”

Grammatrain — Flying

7/10 Grammatrain’s second album, Flying, is a more mature effort than the band’s debut. It finds Grammatrain segueing from their more jam-band/grungish ways to something akin to late 90’s alternative. The songwriting also improves vastly in the process. Opener “Jonah” rocks as hard as anything Grammatrain have recorded, but it’s also written a level aboveContinue reading “Grammatrain — Flying”

Grammatrain — Lonely House

7/10 Like a lot of kids, I looked up to my older cousins. This can be trouble if your older cousins are deviants, but thankfully, mine weren’t. One in particular, who I will simply refer to as The Lieutenant, became my music guru. The Lieutenant loved rock music and had a vast array of classicContinue reading “Grammatrain — Lonely House”

Graeme Norgate (with Grant Kirkhope) — Goldeneye 007 N64 OST

8/10 Sometime near the start of my sophomore year of high school in 1997, I saw a commercial for Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64. I immediately sold my Super Nintendo (a horrible mistake, though one I later rectified) and bought a Nintendo 64 (a great idea). The late 90’s featured a huge debate between the NintendoContinue reading “Graeme Norgate (with Grant Kirkhope) — Goldeneye 007 N64 OST”

Gotye — Making Mirrors

8/10 Pop music is often like the result of a large group of people trying to decide on a restaurant. Once the group gets too big, everyone just has to settle for McDonald’s, and McDonald’s sucks. Pop music is music made for the largest group of people possible. It almost always sucks.It doesn’t always suck,Continue reading “Gotye — Making Mirrors”

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