Five Iron Frenzy — The End Is Near

7/10 Well, let me tell you about me and Five Iron Frenzy. Nah, I’ll save that for last. Let me review their “final” studio album, The End Is Near, first. The End Is Near is, sadly, an album in need of an identity.Five Iron Frenzy achieved musical perfection on their previous album, Five Iron FrenzyContinue reading “Five Iron Frenzy — The End Is Near”

Five Iron Frenzy — Cheeses…

5/10 Either you are a Five Iron Frenzy fan, or you are not. If you are, you will be interested to hear the early demo’s and alternate versions of songs which occupy the first half of Cheeses… . You’ll also enjoy the second half of the album, which makes up the majority of the track-list and is entirelyContinue reading “Five Iron Frenzy — Cheeses…”

Five Iron Frenzy — Five Iron Frenzy 2: Electric Boogaloo

10/10 Five Iron Frenzy had to do three things to make a great album.1. Relegate the joke songs to early in the album.2. Turn their horn section into something essential, as opposed to a gimmick of genre.3. Write a bunch of great songs that fit well with one another.In late 2001, six years after theirContinue reading “Five Iron Frenzy — Five Iron Frenzy 2: Electric Boogaloo”

Five Iron Frenzy — Proof that the Youth Are Revolting

8/10 Just as high energy and goofy as you’d expect a Five Iron Frenzy live album to be, but they nail most of the serious parts, too. Ska always worked more in a live setting than a recorded one. I can’t prove that’s true, but everybody else says definitive statements they can’t back up objectively,Continue reading “Five Iron Frenzy — Proof that the Youth Are Revolting”

It’s My Perogative

Okay, you really gotta check out that Polyenso album I was pushing earlier this week. It is the rare album that is both universal and awesome. Usually, when a band tries to please everyone, they end up just alienating everyone. Polyenso have somehow made an album anyone can enjoy, except for people who really, reallyContinue reading “It’s My Perogative”

Oh, No! I Have Made a Grave Chronological Five Iron Frenzyological Error!

How could I make such a large mistake? 2000 does not come before 1999! I, of all people, should know this. Yesterday, I was supposed to post my review for Five Iron Frenzy’s 1999 release, Proof That the Youth Are Revolting, but instead posted my review for 2000’s All the Hype That Money Can Buy.Continue reading “Oh, No! I Have Made a Grave Chronological Five Iron Frenzyological Error!”

Five Iron Frenzy — All the Hype That Money Can Buy

8/10 All the Hype That Money Can Buy features some of Five Iron Frenzy’s best songwriting yet. It also features a whole bunch of other stuff. The more serious songs feature more emotion than ever. Reese Roper obviously went through some serious pain to pen the incredible bridge to album opener, “The Greatest Story EverContinue reading “Five Iron Frenzy — All the Hype That Money Can Buy”

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