Here We Go Again (Isaac Edition)

Well, great. Just great. Here we go again. I guess four years without a visit from Uncle Hurricane spoiled us because it looks like we’re in for it. Pray for our state and coast, and hopefully this thing will just blow itself out before it gets here. I would rather only be able to countContinue reading “Here We Go Again (Isaac Edition)”

The Dismemberment Plan — A People’s History of the Dismemberment Plan

7/10 The Dismemberment Plan end their recording career with an album of fan-made remixes. Obviously, this is odd. Re-mix albums are usually chock-full of glitchy, repetitive versions of songs one would never choose to listen to over the originals. This one has a few of those. But overall, A People’s History of the Dismemberment PlanContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan — A People’s History of the Dismemberment Plan”

The Dismemberment Plan — Change

9/10 For their last trick, The Dismemberment Plan progress naturally while subverting all expectations. Front man, Travis Morrison, refers to Change as The Dismemberment Plan’s “night album,” but the artwork consists entirely of photographs of a mid-day sky. Yep, Change is difficult. But it’s easy, too. No, I’m not going to do one of thoseContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan — Change”

The Dismemberment Plan/Juno — Juno & The Dismemberment Plan

7/10 I almost forgot to review this EP, which I guess doesn’t say much for it. Rock bands, The Dismemberment Plan and Juno, each turn in an original and a cover song. “The Dismemberment Plan Gets Rich” sounds like the kind of song the band could write in their sleep. It’s goofy fun, and notContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan/Juno — Juno & The Dismemberment Plan”

The New Project 86 Might Be the Best Album of the Year, and You Are Doing Yourself A Disservice If You Do Not Listen To It, So Click the Link Below And Do It Now, Because If You Don’t Nothing Will Happen, But It Would Be Sad If You Never Listened To It, But You Probably Should, Unless You Don’t Like Rock Music, In Which Case, What Do You Like, You Crazy Person? Also, Should That Sentence Have Ended In A Question Mark and Had So Many Commas?

That’s about it. Think I said everything I wanted to say in the title.

The Dismemberment Plan — Emergency and I

10/10 One late night near the end of 1999, I drove home from work through downtown New Roads feeling isolated and desperate. Suddenly, through the courtesy of my local college radio station, a song of isolation and desperation filled my White 1996 Ford Thunderbird. I will put my musical tastes as a 17-year old upContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan — Emergency and I”

The Dismemberment Plan — The Ice of Boston

6/10 The Dismemberment Plan’s short-lived tenure on a major label resulted in this solitary EP.  The first track, “The Ice of Boston,” was the best track on the Dismemberment Plan’s album previous this. I don’t grudge its inclusion here. It would have been a great introduction to a mass audience if the band had everContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan — The Ice of Boston”

The Dismemberment Plan — Is Terrified

8/10 The Dismemberment Plan drop some of their post-punk tendencies and create the kind of music nerds can dance to on Is Terrified. Just because they’re terrified doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous, though. Travis Morrison’s lyrics are even more threateningly intelligent, and new drummer, Joe Easley, drops previous drummer Steve Cummings’ bang-away approach for aContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan — Is Terrified”

The Dismemberment Plan — !

7/10 The Dismemberment Plan’s debut, !, is a DIY-sounding rock album with punk rock energy. Most of this energy comes from vocalist, Travis Morrison, and his manic and jittery, “oh no I just drank too much coffee!” delivery. The strangely danceable musical performances (danceable because of bassist, Eric Axelson’s, work; strangely because lesser bands’ bassistsContinue reading “The Dismemberment Plan — !”

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