3-D Sucks

*(I figure if I’m going to point out something that sucks, I should point out something else that sucks)*Going to the movies is obviously an expensive proposition. Tickets in most places cost near or over ten bucks. All of that goes to the impoverished film studios, who sadly only make billions of dollars a year,Continue reading “3-D Sucks”

Gas Prices Going Up is Good?

According to this article, which is one of the most patronizingly stupid things I have ever read in my entire life (and this from someone who just devoted an entire post to the misuse of hyperbole), $5 gas prices are good for us! In fact, we should LOVE THEM.This MSN article highlights why the DemocraticContinue reading “Gas Prices Going Up is Good?”

Pitchfork Sucks

Pitchfork sucks. You know what else sucks? Hyperbole. In all honesty, Pitchfork.com, an “indie” music website, breaks a lot of good music news before anyone, and can be an important resource. Then again, they only have these capabilities because of the institution they have become. You wouldn’t think “indie” and “institution” would go together, butContinue reading “Pitchfork Sucks”

Explosions in the Sky — Take Care, Take Care, Take Care

9/10Please excuse the more personal tone of this review, but due to the nature of the music found within, I don’t know how else to write this.After two or three listens, I was willing to dismiss Explosions in the Sky’s new album, Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, just as I did Radiohead’s King ofContinue reading “Explosions in the Sky — Take Care, Take Care, Take Care”

Philly Me Up is Better than South of Philly and Your Reason for Saying Otherwise is Baseless and Ridiculous, Jay D. Ducote, Writer for Bite and Booze!

Well, things really aren’t working out that well artistically for me, so you know what that means:It’s time to diss every single thing and statement I disagree with in order to re-affirm my feelings of superiority, which will, as usual, most likely backfire.This first target is otherwise respectable online food review publication, Biteandbooze.com, and thisContinue reading “Philly Me Up is Better than South of Philly and Your Reason for Saying Otherwise is Baseless and Ridiculous, Jay D. Ducote, Writer for Bite and Booze!”

The Best Song I’ve Heard This Year

True Widow – “Boaz”Well that ain’t exactly objective is it?Maybe I should say, “my favorite song I’ve heard so far this year.” That doesn’t sound definitive enough, though. I need to hurry up and pump out a review of this album. I’ve miraculously kept my blogging promises this year (probably the only year I’ve actuallyContinue reading “The Best Song I’ve Heard This Year”

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