Quick Thoughts on the Academy Awards

I’m really glad that Trent Reznor picked up an Oscar tonight for The Social Network, but at the same time I’m really sad that Kurt Cobain couldn’t have followed Trent’s example and survived his mid-90’s suicidal impulses as well. Bummer.Also, since super-awesome movies never get to win the Best Picture trophy, I’m glad Inception atContinue reading “Quick Thoughts on the Academy Awards”

Chicago, Day Three: "Hey, Chicago!…Bye, Chicago."

I arose after a horrible night’s sleep. I fell asleep gently enough, to that King of the Hill episode where Dale thinks his son, Joseph, is an alien. If only I had really fallen asleep in Arlen. Instead, I fell asleep in Chicago, apparently the city that never sleeps because someone was throwing giant metalContinue reading “Chicago, Day Three: "Hey, Chicago!…Bye, Chicago."”

Chicago, Day One: "I Won’t Tell Your Awnt"

INTRO:When I write a travelogue, I try to make it funny. Raise your hands if you’ve nearly been responsible for the death of an elderly woman and her pregnant teenaged granddaughter. No? Come on, guys!In January of 2000, for the first time in my life, I got a flat tire. Actually two. At the sameContinue reading “Chicago, Day One: "I Won’t Tell Your Awnt"”

Music News 2/15/11 — Radiohead Make a Surprise Announcement

In news you may have already heard a few dozen times in the last two days:Radiohead have announced their new album, The King of Limbs, will be released Saturday. Yes, as in four days from now Saturday. The album is available for pre-order here.Of course, this wouldn’t be The Nicsperiment without my opinion rambling, through…Continue reading “Music News 2/15/11 — Radiohead Make a Surprise Announcement”

James Blake — James Blake

7/10Anytime something is regarded by the keepers of cool as the next big thing, people can usually be found in three camps of response:1. I already think this is awesome.2. I automatically don’t like this.3. I’ll judge for myself once I listen.I try to place myself in the third, though I admittedly have to putContinue reading “James Blake — James Blake”

Craig’s Brother — The Insidious Lie

8/10It’s been ten years since Craig’s Brother’s last full length release, Lost at Sea, and seven since their last recorded statement, E.P. idemic. Fan expectation is high, but also reveals something else: if people will stick by your band, even when it takes you ten years to put out an LP, you must have somethingContinue reading “Craig’s Brother — The Insidious Lie”

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