The Terminal Man

The Terminal Man by Michael Crichton 352 p Harper Publishing 1972 After going back for a second look at my favorite book from the seventh-grade, Sphere, I figured I would dip into the bucket of unread Crichton novels. I had not read a novel by Crichton in a decade, the last being Timeline. Shortly afterContinue reading “The Terminal Man”

A Serious Man

2009 106 minutesMichael Stuhlbarg, Richard Kind, Fred MelamedWritten and Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen***.5 out of **** The Coen brothers unleash chaos on the unsuspecting title character of their latest film, A Serious Man. The people in Larry Gopnik’s quaint, 60’s suburban Jewish life push him around to the point of exhaustion, every hopeContinue reading “A Serious Man”

The Boys are Back

2009 104 minutesClive Owen, Laura Fraser, George McKayDirected by Scott Hicks, Adapted by Allan Cubitt from the Novel by Simon Carr*** out of **** We’ve seen the movie about a man suddenly thrust into single parenthood many times before. The Boys are Back does two key things differently: It is extraordinarily well-shot, taking full advantageContinue reading “The Boys are Back”

The English Patient

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje320 p Vintage Publishing The English Patient is a beautifully written novel, using language as paint on an impressionistic canvas. Though the book’s title lends several preconceptions, the book actually centers around four quite different characters sheltering in an Italian villa at the apex of World War II, when theContinue reading “The English Patient”

World’s Greatest Dad

2009 99 minutesRobin Williams, Daryl Sabara, Alexie GilmoreWritten and Directed by Bobcat Goldthwait***.5 out of ****That crazy-voiced comedian from the 80s is back with a madcap comedy. I am of course talking about Bobcat Goldthwait, who in the last few years has quite skillfully transitioned from stand-up and acting to writing and directing. Here heContinue reading “World’s Greatest Dad”

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