
I was just watching a BBC documentary on the Westboro Baptists Church and was deeply disturbed. I have read a lot about them, but actually seeing them in action for an hour was much more affecting. The thing that hit me the hardest was that lately I have felt as loveless for people as theyContinue reading “Love?”

You Are Smarter than a Celebrity

Considering that about six people read this blog regularly, all either college educated or in the process, I think it is safe to say that everyone who is reading this is smarter than your average celebrity. This post is brethren to the post below it.I wrote the Education vs. Ignorance post after hearing several localContinue reading “You Are Smarter than a Celebrity”

The Death of Facebook

I was reading my favorite section of the Sunday paper–the comics (or the funnies as my wife and I say)–when I noticed a disturbing trend. At least three comics mentioned Facebook. Facebook has so well infiltrated society that I can’t even read Sherman’s Lagoon without coming across it. That is pretty lame.I wonder what theContinue reading “The Death of Facebook”

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