Everyone is Here, Everyone is Gone

I’ll be honest. This blog doesn’t get an eighth of the readers it did in its heyday. Though I am fine with this and think I write for different reasons now anyway, I would like to explore an element relating to my decreased patronage.A major reason for a decrease in readers is that I wentContinue reading “Everyone is Here, Everyone is Gone”

Being an Expecting Dad is Weird/Parental Assimilation

I was about to start posting about how weird it is to be an expecting dad, but the guy who sits next to me at work just had a seizure. I called 911, we propped him up, and he is at the emergency room now, awake and okay. Craziness.Anyway, being an expecting dad is weirdContinue reading “Being an Expecting Dad is Weird/Parental Assimilation”

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