The Surgeon General’s Warnings Go Unheeded/A Strange and Incredible Coincidence No One Will Care About But Me

Last night I was thinking, Here I am at a Dredg show, and this sure would be nice except for one thing: all that horrible smoke in the air. What is causing that? Wait–everybody in here is smoking. Don’t cigarettes cause cancer, various other diseases, and premature aging? Don’t they create a horrible stink thatContinue reading “The Surgeon General’s Warnings Go Unheeded/A Strange and Incredible Coincidence No One Will Care About But Me”

On the Tenth Anniversary of a Terrible Event

Ten years ago today Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into their high school and killed 15 people including themselves. They injured another 24. After ten years, many of the myths surrounding Columbine have been dispelled. After the event in which my generation, in effect, lost its innocence, people looked for simplistic, knee-jerk causes. ManyContinue reading “On the Tenth Anniversary of a Terrible Event”

Chuck Norris is No Longer Cool/Smiles

I have always had a fondness for the ridiculousness of Chuck Norris. Every now and then my friends and I would watch episodes of Walker Texas Ranger for a laugh, hoping that Norris would pummel his foes as harshly as possible. One time he kicked a guy in the face 7 (SEVEN!) uncontested times beforeContinue reading “Chuck Norris is No Longer Cool/Smiles”

Losing Is No Fun/Egos the Size of Cathedrals

I can’t lie. It is not fun to lose. Losing tends to bring out the worst in us. It can turn us into whiny babies. Losing in politics is no exception. Sometimes we get really caught up on the outcome, and if it doesn’t go the way we want, we can get a little crazy.Continue reading “Losing Is No Fun/Egos the Size of Cathedrals”

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