Being Married Isn’t Jail/The Death of the Encore

Whatever guy complains or thinks that being married is like prison is either:A. A person who has invested 0 dollars in his wife’s trust account or an untrustworthy person to begin with,B. Married to an untrusting woman who is either paranoid, controlling, mean, or evil, orC. Simply having deep-level communication problems that could be solvedContinue reading “Being Married Isn’t Jail/The Death of the Encore”

Again With the Jindal

On the night of my last post, Governor Jindal, on national television, gave a live response on behalf of the Republican party to Barrack Obama’s speech. To be brief, my main comment is this:Dissing research geared toward giving advance warning of Volcano eruptions? Really? After all we have been through as a state the lastContinue reading “Again With the Jindal”

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