Greed, Greed, Greed–The New Indulgence for Sale(A New Nicsperiment Rant)

The other night I was flipping channels, and I saw a TV minister talking to an enormous, cheering, call-and-response chanting crowd. The minister was talking about God’s will for our lives. Right on, I think, God’s will is where you want to be. Then this minister gets to the body of his message and saysContinue reading “Greed, Greed, Greed–The New Indulgence for Sale(A New Nicsperiment Rant)”

More Scientology Drama/My Apologies to Zach Braff

In the last few weeks this blog has been getting many hits from all over the world. Like, insane amounts of hits.“My, aren’t I awesome,” I thought.Using, I suddenly realized how I was getting so many hits. Apparently, if one were to type in the phrase “Scientology Beliefs” into most search engines a fewContinue reading “More Scientology Drama/My Apologies to Zach Braff”

Sigur Ros, Verizon Wireless Theater, Houston, Texas, 2-25-06

Houston is a strange place. The world basically ends after Houston and doesn’t pick up again until L.A. Well, not really. Taking I-10 West, one will eventually hit San Antonio, El Paso, Tucson, and Phoenix, but these are just desert outposts in the middle of what may as well be another planet. Houston is theContinue reading “Sigur Ros, Verizon Wireless Theater, Houston, Texas, 2-25-06”

I’ll Kill Your Dog for Fun, So Don’t Push Me

NOTE: NBC HAS TAKEN IT DOWN, BUT POSTED IT ON THEIR OWN SITE, SO I HAVE CHANGED THE LINK AGAIN. STILL, I HATE NBC.Last night on SNL, Natalie Portman delivered the rap I have been wanting to hear for years.You will most probably love or hate this video.WARNING: Tons of bleeped profanities, bodily function gestures,Continue reading “I’ll Kill Your Dog for Fun, So Don’t Push Me”

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