Where am I going?

I am going to Houston today to see “this little band from Iceland”. I may stay there for a few days because I kind of like it there, and Mardi Gras gives me time off.Feel free to comment as much as you want on my ten-day travelogue. I can’t guarantee that I will respond toContinue reading “Where am I going?”

Germany, Day Ten: "Finale. That’s German for ‘The End’"

We woke up real early that morning and hit the train back to Frankfurt. I later found out that Frankfurt was German for “hot dog sandwich”, which really confused me because isn’t a hot dog a sandwich already? And why would you name a town after one? I may have dreamed all this up, butContinue reading “Germany, Day Ten: "Finale. That’s German for ‘The End’"”

Germany, Day Nine: "Chocolate Factory? The Place…Or the R.Kelly Album?"

br /> ATMs in Germany and Sarah Michelle Gellar have a similar relationship with me–they never tell me what I want to hear. When I said, “RahRah, baby, leave Freddy for me,” Sarah said, “No.” When I said, “ATM, what my balance be?” ATM said, “Balance? That does not compute.” Then I kicked the ATMContinue reading “Germany, Day Nine: "Chocolate Factory? The Place…Or the R.Kelly Album?"”

Germany, Day Eight: "All Your Euro Are Belong to Us"

Ah, the Euro.I ran out of money. I sent a desperate e-mail to my mother to let her know that my bank account was almost empty.Usually, I don’t take handouts or expect to get any from my parents, but this was an emergency.If I didn’t get money quick, I was going to have to washContinue reading “Germany, Day Eight: "All Your Euro Are Belong to Us"”

Germany, Day Seven: "Excuse Me…Can You Tell Us Where the Ocean Is, Cuz, Uh…We Can’t Find It"

I love the sea. We are definitely an item. I don’t so much like being in it as gazing out at it (so platonic), but it has always had a special place in my heart due to much time in my life spent in the since Katrina-destroyed trailer camp “Rise n’ Shine” in the so-calledContinue reading “Germany, Day Seven: "Excuse Me…Can You Tell Us Where the Ocean Is, Cuz, Uh…We Can’t Find It"”

Germany, Day Six: "Playa, Don’t Jam My Flow!"

Did you have an aunt or uncle that gave or let you do anything but didn’t have the responsibility of disciplining you, making your time with them like heaven on Earth?Yeah, me neither.But if I had, they would have been like the manager of the hotel we stayed at in Berlin. This woman was awesome.Continue reading “Germany, Day Six: "Playa, Don’t Jam My Flow!"”

Germany, Day Five: "You Must Be This German to Ride."

Something became apparent to me as soon as we arrived in Berlin.I don’t look like I am from Germany. I’m about six-feet tall and have a sweet crawfish tan and dark curly hair, but the average German male is about six-foot two, is as pale as Gertrude, the moon’s albino offspring,  and has straight flaxenContinue reading “Germany, Day Five: "You Must Be This German to Ride."”

Germany, Day Four: "Don’t Worry, I’ll Work Funny Into this One. How about a Lion made of Flowers?"

The first time I met a Jewish person, I was two weeks from my 18th birthday. I was in D.C. for some young leaders conference thing (which was one of the best experiences of my life). Anyway, there really aren’t very many Jewish people in Louisiana, and I, despite rumors, am not Jewish (2017 EDITORSContinue reading “Germany, Day Four: "Don’t Worry, I’ll Work Funny Into this One. How about a Lion made of Flowers?"”

Germany, Day Three: "There’s a mountain range here? I’m sorry, I thought this was a Selson Blue Commercial."

That morning, we said our goodbyes. Well, I did, because Robker was just going to be going back to the dorm when my part of the journey was over. Late the night before, I talked to one of Robker’s male dormmates about German vs. American politics. Really, we just complained, and I have the sneakingContinue reading “Germany, Day Three: "There’s a mountain range here? I’m sorry, I thought this was a Selson Blue Commercial."”

Germany, Day Two: "Wait…You Guys Eat this Stuff…With Your Mouths?"

The three of us woke up that morning and caught a train for the nearby city of Nuremburg. There were some very important trials here sixty years ago, but this isn’t a history lesson, so go look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about.As soon as we got off the train, IContinue reading “Germany, Day Two: "Wait…You Guys Eat this Stuff…With Your Mouths?"”

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