The Nicsperiment’s Nine Best Albums (I’ve Heard) of 2005

2005 was another strange year in music. I got to hear most of what I wanted to hear this year, but not all. These nine albums are chosen from what I heard. Considering 9 billion albums were released this year, these nine albums may not even come in the top million, but of the hundredContinue reading “The Nicsperiment’s Nine Best Albums (I’ve Heard) of 2005”

REVENGE LIFE: Finally WE beat up on the hurricanes

Well, I’m back from the Chik-Fil-A Peach Bowl. In case you didn’t know, we (LSU, the college I got my B.A. from) beat Miami 40-3. Ouch. I would call that poetic justice, considering hurricanes have cost my state approx 78 infinity million dollars this year.Most amusing moments: 1. Several students hoisting that LSU Confederate flagContinue reading “REVENGE LIFE: Finally WE beat up on the hurricanes”

PERSONAL LIFE: Spending New Years Alone?

I can only remember spending New Years Eve night at home and alone once. It was New Years Eve 1999. I had just had a cyst removed from my lower back/butt, and I couldn’t walk. My mother and brother were home, but they were a sleeping non-factor.I am seriously thinking of spending this New YearsContinue reading “PERSONAL LIFE: Spending New Years Alone?”

PERSONAL/RANT LIFE: Demons Gathered Around My Bed

One night in the tenth grade, I lay in my bed, listening to hip-hop music. All the lights were out. I stared at the stereo, looking at the lights on the face. I thought they were a little too bright, so I tried to turn over. Much to my surprise, my body did not move.Continue reading “PERSONAL/RANT LIFE: Demons Gathered Around My Bed”

NERD LIFE: I Like Kong

For some reason, I refuse to write normal reviews of films on this blog, even though I am capable of doing so. Why must I always be so difficult? Instead of reviewing Kong, I will review the emotional undercurrents (I am assuming everyone already knows the story…if not, sorry. (Not really, though:)) Act One: WeContinue reading “NERD LIFE: I Like Kong”

PERSONAL/RANT LIFE: Working till your eyes bleed

I am now of the theory that no matter how much one likes something, if one does it enough, one won’t like it anymore. For instance, writing. I have had to do so much revision of my own fictional works in the last month for grad-school apps. that my eyes are bugging out of myContinue reading “PERSONAL/RANT LIFE: Working till your eyes bleed”

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