I have a song up!!!

I have a song up!!! I have a song up!!!!!!!HERESpecial thanks to Jordan for his advice and for recording this thing for me on his sweet Fostex!Be patient…it starts with some seconds of silence, and you’ll need to turn it up.Hope it doesn’t make blood run out your ears.Also, check out the post I wroteContinue reading “I have a song up!!!”

Just another reason to find Scientology absolutely ridiculous

Hi. Let me re-cap last night’s South Park episode.Wait? You hate South Park?That’s okay, listen to my ramblings anyway…Stan, (the kid in red and blue) passes by a “survey” table. It actually turns out to be a Dianetics (Scientology) table. Stan, who is perfectly normal and happy, is given a survey, and told that heContinue reading “Just another reason to find Scientology absolutely ridiculous”

Modern Times…or Moron Times?

Well, I’m back from the blue with a rant. Rejoice!…or not…Anyone who read this blog last winter may have come across my rant on the confederate flag. To sum that rant up in a nutshell: I hate the confederate flag. I don’t think it stands for anything worth being proud for. I think all argumentsContinue reading “Modern Times…or Moron Times?”

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