Oh yeah, well now what?

Well, I took the GRE. I was supposed to post on here, but IA. Went extremely spur of the momentB. Forgot to postC. Thought that I had posted, but really hadn’t posted this information, already.D. Just A and CE. All of the aboveG. None of the aboveMy brain has been in a blender, lately. MaybeContinue reading “Oh yeah, well now what?”

I’m Just Sitting in My Car and Waiting for My Girl

Metaphorically speaking.Does anyone else get tired of waiting for things?Why, of course you do!The worst is when you have to wait for your own self to take action.That would be me, right now. There are three things that I really need to do this week, and I have not done them, yet. Two of themContinue reading “I’m Just Sitting in My Car and Waiting for My Girl”

Feeling Good, and stuff, but of course I am going to analyze things anyway, because I am like that, and analyzing is a good time, especially when you

have the time to do itHey! I am sitting at my computer, and I don’t have to go to bed in five minutes!Okay, there was a time in my life when I hated Texas. That lasted until this spring, when I almost died there, due to the belt falling off of my engine while IContinue reading “Feeling Good, and stuff, but of course I am going to analyze things anyway, because I am like that, and analyzing is a good time, especially when you”

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