Taking a little Break

Yeah, so my life is spiraling out of control. Okay, not really. I’m not focusing on the things I should, though, I’m letting some things fall by the wayside that should not, and I’ve been forgetting to do a bunch of small things that are starting to add up. I spend about four or fiveContinue reading “Taking a little Break”

Christianity and her boyfriend, Violence

So, the other day some relatives of mine who are Christians wanted to go see the movie, “Kingdom of Heaven”. Before they went to see the film, they wanted to make sure of one thing:“Does it have SEX in it?, because, we can’t go if it has sex.”They check screenit.com, which is actually quite aContinue reading “Christianity and her boyfriend, Violence”

Don’t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel

Nah, ah.Anyway, after an afternoon of writing reviews, I now know what it will take for me to keep my entertainment site going, and how much I can do during a certain amount of time. Now, all I need is readers! At least I know I can do it now, though, and the foundation isContinue reading “Don’t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel”

Site organization

You may have noticed I now have five blogs. Don’t worry though, the three new offshoots, TV in review, Film in review, and Music in Review will all have their updates linked from The Nicsperiment: Entertainment website. For example, later today you will see a post on The Nicsperiment: Entertainment that says:For my reviews ofContinue reading “Site organization”

What not to say on a first date:

Flashback, four years ago almost to the day.The setting: some miscellaneous theme restaurant. The following dialogue exchange is as true as I remember it. Nicholas: (On a roll) That’s why I stopped eating cake. Girl: (Dying of laughter, can’t even eat) Nicholas: (Tries to keep it going)…blah, blah, blah, blah. Just like mustaches. There’s nothingContinue reading “What not to say on a first date:”

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